satellite eu
BlackCannon heeft wederom 'n gemodificeerde ruDREAM image uitgebracht, met FullX & Dreamflash (!) support.
Dit is 'n stuk uit de readme...
ruDREAM 0105 modified by BlackCannon
- Scam FullX 1-2 by Tiger00 (21-06-2004)
- Newcamd 5.07
- Radegast v3.9beta6
- DreamFlash full compatible! (you can use this image as base flash image for multiboot)
- Italian language added
- Fixed rcS boot bug (auto flash erase at boot is now working when installed with FlashWizard)
Install image in internal flash memory to see all FullX channel open.
Enabling DreamFlash:
1) Copy DreamFlash files as usual, via FTP or with FlashWizard utility.
2) Open plugins window (yellow key), and select ">>ENABLE D.FLASH<<" plugin first.
This mounts usb stick paths to avoid errors (NO "device is not linked" error)
3) Then select "DreamFlash - SETUP" to install it as ever.
Zoals gewoonlijk te downloaden van m'n site...
Dit is 'n stuk uit de readme...
ruDREAM 0105 modified by BlackCannon
- Scam FullX 1-2 by Tiger00 (21-06-2004)
- Newcamd 5.07
- Radegast v3.9beta6
- DreamFlash full compatible! (you can use this image as base flash image for multiboot)
- Italian language added
- Fixed rcS boot bug (auto flash erase at boot is now working when installed with FlashWizard)
Install image in internal flash memory to see all FullX channel open.
Enabling DreamFlash:
1) Copy DreamFlash files as usual, via FTP or with FlashWizard utility.
2) Open plugins window (yellow key), and select ">>ENABLE D.FLASH<<" plugin first.
This mounts usb stick paths to avoid errors (NO "device is not linked" error)
3) Then select "DreamFlash - SETUP" to install it as ever.
Zoals gewoonlijk te downloaden van m'n site...