De BBC zal volgend jaar beginnen met het sluiten van haar sd regionale zenders op satelliet


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10 feb 2001
Big news:

The BBC will begin to close its standard definition regional services on satellite next year, followed by the closure of their remaining SD channels at a later (currently unspecified) date. All of the BBC's services will be available in HD, so the only way to continue viewing BBC TV on satellite will be via HD-capable equipment.

SD-only viewers will initially receive the network 'red screen' version of BBC One in early 2023; essentially an inversion of the current situation with respect to HD.

Viewers will be directed to a website for more information (not yet live), and to channel 799 on Freesat devices to check their equipment.
Many suspected this would happen given the capacity requirements of BBC One's forthcoming HD regions, but the complete closure of SD services is a big (and welcome) step.


Groot nieuws:
De BBC zal volgend jaar beginnen met het sluiten van haar standaard definitie regionale diensten op satelliet, gevolgd door de sluiting van hun resterende SD-kanalen op een latere (momenteel niet gespecificeerde) datum. Alle diensten van de BBC zullen in HD beschikbaar zijn, dus de enige manier om BBC TV via de satelliet te blijven bekijken is via apparatuur die HD ondersteunt.
Alleen SD-kijkers zullen begin 2023 de netwerkversie van BBC One op het "rode scherm" ontvangen; in wezen een omkering van de huidige situatie met betrekking tot HD.
Kijkers zullen worden doorverwezen naar een website voor meer informatie (nog niet live) en naar kanaal 799 op Freesat-apparatuur om hun apparatuur te controleren.
Velen vermoedden dat dit zou gebeuren gezien de capaciteitsvereisten van de komende HD-regio's van BBC One, maar de volledige sluiting van SD-diensten is een grote (en welkome) stap.

Regional versions of BBC One HD to roll out in England by Spring 2023

Freesat and Sky
Freesat and Sky viewers with HD-enabled devices will soon be able to watch their local news in HD on channel 101 (BBC One HD). However, to accommodate the launch of the HD versions of our channels, we need to switch off SD services. To help with the transition to all HD, support will be available for audiences that need it. Details of this support will be available in January.

Further Information
More information about all these changes can be found in this BBC Blog article.:

Freeview and Freesat are also launching a tool to check if you’re affected on channel 799.

Detailed information about the SD and HD changes will be added to this page when they become available.

HD Satellite Upgrade

In association with BBC and FREESAT

Welcome to the HD Satellite Upgrade website. Whilst the help scheme isn’t launching until January 2023, it’s likely you’re wanting to find out more about the forthcoming changes to the BBC satellite channels.

What's happening?​

In January 2023, the BBC is planning some changes to its standard definition (SD) satellite channels in order to be able to launch all its channels in HD on satellite. The changes will take place in two steps:

Step 1 (January 2023 through to March 2023)​

The current regional versions of BBC One SD will be closing over this period on a region-by-region basis. If you are still watching on an SD-only satellite device (Freesat or Sky) then you will lose access to your local programmes – all other BBC One and BBC channels programmes will be unaffected.

Your regional version of BBC One SD will be replaced with a UK-wide version of BBC One SD.

More details on the regional rollout will be provided when this website launches in January 2023.

Step 2 (Early 2024)​

All the standard definition versions of the BBC’s channels, including the UK- wide version of BBC One SD as described in Step 1, will be disappearing completely.

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