help needed




Houston, we have a problem ...

i've just discovered a minor problem with my dish system. Its digital and located in Belgium and its about a few astra1 tps that seem to loose strength with daylight ...

The MTV2-TP on 11739 V has "normal" signal strength (up to above the 85% on the receivers osd) in the morning but only 35% noon and down to 17% and less at 22:00 and later. Same (although I can't receive any channel on these tps) with 11778 V and 11817 V.
They even don't show up as active tps when scanning in the evening/night.

Anyone any idea what might be wrong with my system? All the other tps act normal ...

thanks for your help
I think u got a problem with your LNB check if it is srong enough to recive the signels (u most have lnb with atleast 0.4db the lower
db better the signels but this can be one of the reason it
can be something else.
good luck.

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