Kabel TV over Es***t

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I live in the Netherlands for a short time and my Dutch is not very good, so I try in English (not much better ;-))) )

So, I want to buy a Receiver with CI Slot for Cable TV. My provider ES***t transmitts in SECA or SECA2. Are there any Files, Progs etc known which can halp me to get a well fitted screen?

Thanks for any reply, Yours BigReval
Hi, thanks for this Information. Now I thing a Magic Module would fit to unscramble the Pictures. But is there any Information about the Type of Card, e.g. FUN etc. and where I can get Files or Infos for self logging with wallbanger etc. ???

Thanks for your Information, best Regards BigReval
That things are not allowed. You are trying to watch in an illegal way. At this board we do not tolerate things like that.

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