Is er ergens een handleiding voor de Matrix reloaded.
Wat kun je er allemaal mee en zo.
Wat kun je er allemaal mee en zo.
Bekijk de onderstaande video om te zien hoe je onze site als een web app op je startscherm installeert.
Opmerking: Deze functie vereist momenteel het gebruik van de ingebouwde Safari browser.
- Official cards accepted:
Cryptoworks, Irdeto1+2, Seca1+2, Viacces1+2, Nagravision, Betacrypt and Conax
- Includes porn channel No-Zap TV.
- Doesn't need extern programmer, just with Fun 6 or Fun 5 software is loaded into CAM.
- Also includes soft to receive 6x1 channels WITHOUT Fun 2 card.
- Matrix RELOADED CAM comes with UCAS system, 100% legal and Seca compatible.
For more information please look at the forum HERE and the Matrix reloaded cam section.
UCAS V3.0 and later support Smart Card downloading. In addition, serial and laptop downloading are still supported but Windows Downloading Application v1.3 is needed.
Please program the Smartcards before your start:
mr_101_512_1,2,3 = 3 x Fun 5 cards
mr_101_1024_1,2 = 2 x Fun 6 cards.
Smart Card download procedure:
1.- Select Ci menu->UCAS V3.0->Download
2.- The messages "Erasing old data, please wait..." and "Insert card 1 or serial
dummy card" will be shown.
3.- Insert the first smart card and press Ok.
4.- The message "Card inserted, opening" is shown, and then
"Performing smart card download..."
5.- If several cards are used, the message "Download card completed.
Please, extract it" will appear after the first smart card has been
Extract the Smart Card and press Ok. After that, a message such as
"Insert card 2" will be shown.
6.- Insert the next smart card and press Ok.
7.- After the last smart card is downloaded, the message "Download complete.
Copying image and re-booting" will be shown. If the new version of software
is not shown after 30 seconds, re-insert the module without any smartcard.
If, after re-inserting the module, it is not initialised, switch off and
on again the STB with the module inserted.
1.- If you experience any problem before starting the downloading, a message
such us "invalid card" is shown. If so, extract the smart card, press ok,
and check that it is the first one. After that, insert it again and press
You can also try by inserting the module with the smart card already
inserted on it. In this case, you don't need to press Ok in step 3.
2.- If the smartcard is extracted or it does not respond, a message will be
shown. Press Ok, and the next menu will be shown:
- Go on with current download
- Start a new download.
Select "Go on" in order to continue with the current smart card...
or select Start a new download to start with the first smart card
Then follow the instructions.
If you extract the module while a downloading is performed, you can continue
with the current smart card in the same way because this same menu will be
shown after selecting the downloading menu.
Serial download procedure:
Version 1.3 of Windows Downloading application must be used.
1.- Insert CAM with dummy card already inserted. After a while, a message
"This card is not valid for your..." will be shown. Press Ok.
2.- Select CI menu->UCAS V3.0->Download
3.- The messages "Erasing old data, please wait..." and "Insert card 1 or serial
dummy card" will be shown.
4.- The message "Card inserted. Openning" will appear. Then, as soon as
"Performing serial download" is shown, press "Download now" in the
Windows Downloading Application.
After a while, the message "Download complete. Copying image and re-booting"
will be shown.
If the new version of software is not shown after 30 seconds,
re-insert the module without dummy card.
If, after re-inserting the module, it is not initialised, switch off and
on again the STB with the module inserted.
Laptop download procedure:
Version 1.3 of Windows Downloading application must be used.
The procedure is exactly the same than the used in previous versions of UCAS.
See here for the UCAS section.
Processor Module with smartcard reader. On this development platform you can develop your own smartcard applications.
This module contains a fast ARM processor, a big RAM memory and a flash module. Together with the programmer you can load your own applications into this module, for example applications to:
Encrypt data traffic, using smartcards, in laptops (mobile business)
A laptop smartcard reader/writer
Access control for laptops
Development platform for your own DVB encoding systems