nieuwe hydra


Sr. Member
Lid sinds
3 jan 2003
zie de thorbeck site ...
!!! Nyt Hydra7000 Angharad 1.08.2 image!!!


Original DM7000 1.08.2 image by The_Hydra

- 1.08.2 kernel (2.6.9-rc1)
- 1.08.2 enigma (2004.10.22)
- Radegast [v3.0 beta13]
- Newcamd [v5.24]
- DreamCrypt [v 1.08.2]
- NetPilot advance (v3.0 beta13 (c)2004 The_Hydra/Team Radegast.)
- autosatxml v1.5
- rdgdedit v1.7 (Radegast Edit Plugin by The_Hydra. Invoked from Sm@rtCAM - blue button.)
- scamedit v1.0 (SCAM Edit Plugin by The_Hydra. Edits SCAM config and key files. Invoked from Sm@rtCAM - blue button.)
- NSListing v1.0 (Netstat Plugin by The_Hydra.)
- PSListing v1.0 (Process list Plugin by The_Hydra.)
- Netpilot ConnectView v1.0 (lists netpilot connections The_Hydra.)
- Sm@rtCAM v1.2 (NEW!!!! Sticky interface. Makes it easy to stick channels and providers to a softCAM)
To invoke rdgdedit or scamedit press ok on the softCAM in the list field.)
- Control Panel v1.9 (To customise just edit /var/etc/cpanel.xml. Invoked by green button.)
- Plugins now invoked by yellow button.
- camd files in /var/bin for ease of use
- password change allowed by user to any password
- New BusyBox v1.00-rc3 (2004.10.15-12:56+0000)
- Modified Simple and Stylish skin with crypt icons and active SoftCam in OSD.
- OSD supports Green Button - C-Panel, Yellow Button - Plugins, Blue Button - Sm@rtCAM
- SNR meter added to the OSD
- Internet images updates
- Working DHCP support
- bullz_text ready - C-Panel has bullz menu. Thanks to bullz
- WIFI ready - /var/etc/init now checks for WIFI
- Ability to move the whole /var directory to USB or HDD
- Games ready - libfx library now bundled with image
- USB Format and tools now added to C-Panel
- New Addon Manager to uninstall and manual install addons
- CIFS enabled
- The_Hydra on-line news service, be the first to see announcements!!!

Downloadable addons:
- Bullz_text v0.27
- DreamBox Weather Forecast v.1.4
- DreamFlash v2.3
- DreamNetcast Plugin v1.0
- DrTic v1.8
- Games
- Jukebox Plugin
- Mosaik Plugin
- MultiView - EPG vB3.0 Lite (Once downloaded use double click red button to access)
- MultiView - EPG vB3.0 FULL (Once downloaded use double click red button to access)
- PhoneBook v1.0
- Picviewer Plugin v1.0.5
- rss Reader v1.5
- Samba
- Shell_tool v0.9
- SysInfo Plugin v0.75
- Tuxcom Plugin v1.6
- Wifi Plugin v1.1 (beta) thx to daf2000, lologuy and rongogo

Downloadable softCAMS:
- CAMD3 v3.664a
- CAMX v1.11
- CS_CLNT v1.13
- EVOCAMD v3.3
- MGCAMD v 29.07.2004
- SCAM v31.08
- SCAM v12.09
- XCAMD v2.0

Downloadable languages:
- Czech ech
- Danish Dansk
- Deutsch Deutsch
- Dutch Nederlands
- Finnish Suomi
- French Fran?ais
- Greek ????????
- Hungarian Magyar
- Italian Italiano
- Norwegian Norsk
- Polish Polski
- Portuguese Portuguese
- Romanian Rom?n
- Russian CAA:>
- Slovak Slova?ki
- Spanish Espa?ol
- Swedish Svenskt
- Turkish T?rk

Downloadable settings:
- Joske Settings (Now automatically reloads the settings into the Dreambox)
- Pet123 Settings (Now automatically reloads the settings into the Dreambox)

Fixes / New Features:
- New busybox v1.00-rc3 with zombie fix
- CIFS drivers added
- New Addon Manager in C-Panel
- Image checks /var size and warns if > 90%
- New uninstall function
- New manual addon install function (download and place hydra .tar.gz files into /tmp)
- New tuxtxt v1.76 22-10-2004 with language select

This plugin allows you to seamlessly select your softCAMs and allows you to stick/unstick (remember/unremember) your softCAMs by both channel and provider.

This image does not contain any keys or rom files. It is up to the enduser to add them should he wish to use this image other than with a legal subscription card. The Hydra team is not responsible for any unauthorised use of this firmware.

<<<<<<<<<< U MUST FLASH ERASE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Please flash erase this image after you install it:

As booting up your Dreambox HOLD IN the UP ARROW button on the box until the message "Flash Erase" appears
on your LCD

Failure to do this may give an error message "Cannot Parse /var/etc/cpanel.xml"


Many thanks from The_Hydra....
loopt wel goed kan alleen mijn seca2 kaartje niet gebruiken ik ontvang alles via irdeto
waar vindt ik dat dat gedoe met stick/unstick (remember/unremember) in welk menu
als ik een pluging instaleerd en ik druk de gele toets in dan zie ik hem niet staan..?

wat doe ik fout?

Hosting Fun


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