Nieuwe Pli 500/5620/7000


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24 aug 2002
PLi? Amber 20050603 image released :)


Finally arrived

Release notes:

Welcome to the Pli? DM 7000 image..
Version: "Amber" - 5 juni 2005

Many thanks to the Pli Beta team voor support and many testing.

What is new...
Kernelversion: 2.6.9
The dreamdriver: 1.09.1b
Frontprocessor: 1.06
De CVS is updated to: 03-06
Setup menu: 0.57

Items to find in the installer:
EMU - Camxng 220505 (The standard config can be downloaded seperately)
- Newcamd 5.28 en 6.01 (The standard config can be downloaded seperately)
- Scam 05-13-05
- Radegast 3.0b14
- Mgcamd 04-26-05
- Gbox (Just symbolic links, no files)

Skins - DJS 1.01
- Kalibo 5
- Startrek Genisis -
- Surfer 3

Games -

Plugins - Multiview 3.1b5
(Extra icons and Mediahighway-NL timeshift adapted)
Shift Geel (op ned 1,2,3) starts MediaHighway update
Many more icon updates to come. These will be bxxx .
- RSS Reader 1.05a
- RSS Feeds update 14-05-05
- Video Lan Client 0.2.3
- Picviewer 1.13
- Jukebox 0.6.3
- Bitrate viewer 1.0
- EPG Find 3.02
- Cron Mediahighway 2.0
- Internet Movie Dbase 1.09a

Expert Plugin - Sysinfo 0.8.7
- Tuxbox Commander 1.7

Settingslijst - Joske RotorSettings 22-05-05
- Joske Astra 22-05-05
- Joske Astra - Hotbird 22-05-05
- Joske Astra - Hotbird - Astra 22-05-05

Services - Base Libraries 1.00
- Apache 1.02
- PHP Apache 1.00
- NFS server 1.02
- Perl 5.8.0
- Samba 1.9.19p8
The sambaserver (starts / stops immidiately when selected and saved, no reboot needed)

Remarcable changes :
- When you have done a sat-scan, the new found services will be found
under the name "Astra (19.2E) - new". All new found service are marked with a ! before the name.
- Possabillaty for PID edit under "Transponderscan", Yellow (Enter pids).
Note: Save can take up to 15 seconds, so please be patient.

Under the hood:
- When a plugin crash occures, only Enigma will be rebooted!
- Restart Enigma added in the shutdown menu
- Sambaserver
- squashfs 2.1-r2
- Backup script completed with radegast.cfg en mgcamd config files
- Autozap is reniewed
- All setup plugin menu's are restyled
- keyupdate script is reniewed
- TuxTxt 1.84
- Wifi plugin 1.22 is standard added and can be uninstalled
- "Move to HDD" also working for nfs or samba on linux
and not for Windows operating systems, because symbolic links are not supported
- CIFS support built in the kernl (instructions voor a Windows operating system at the bottom of release notes)

Lauguage plugin:
- Language Plugin has now 4 options
- The new choise Original has the options: Original, orj, dos, ory, org

Install menu:
- The install menu is categorized
- Installation of plugins id faster now
- The red exit knop is removed.. The lame/exit knop is alway used for this.

- The webinterface has better support for VLC streaming to a pc
- streaminfo in webinterface extended
- Recover movies in webinterface now using existing data in recordings.epl

Recording / Playback:
- Winding while recording is modified
- Improved winding / rewinding voor 109.1 driver
- 4x wind en 2x, 4x rewind added
- recording problems seems to be solved.

Firewall functionaliteit:
- The firewall can be configured in /var/etc/firewall.users
Whan ip adres in one line, can be activated in setup menu, reboot not needed

Note from Rick Hunter...
How to: CIFS for Windows operating systems:

I did it as follows:
Op mijn PC's i have directories which i want to approach geshared and gave them a share name.

In mounts (Setup/Expert Setup/Communication Setup/Mounts) modified next::

IP: CIFS (IP of de PC to be mounted)
Dir: dreambox (Thid is the share name on the PC which points to. d:\dreambox)
The share is of course Full Control. Rights can be controled through NTFS.
Localdir: /mnt/cifs1
Options: rw
Extra: (empty.... remove everything)
User: db (a valid user on the PC/Server)
Pass: dbdbdb (matching password)

Enable Automount and choose Mount.
Choose oke and close mount manager
De mount above points to /mnt/cifs1
When in file modus go to /mnt/cifs1 and you will enter the CIFS server.

Good luck!

Remark for Windows 2003 domein controlers...
If you want to mount windows shares on the Dreambox through CIFS on a Windows 2003 Domain Controller,
then you to DISABLE 2 settings in the Domain Controller Security Policy:

- Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (always)
- Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (if client agrees)

Both values are Enabled which causes that the share can not connect to the dreambox.

Kerstboom 1 Hosting Fun Feestdag


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