No sound Eurosport analog Astra, Why?




Can anybody tell me why I do not have any sound on the Eurosport channel on an old analog receiver (Astra)? All the other (mostly german) channels do have sound. I'm no expert and the analog receiver was given to me, the remote doesn't work and I only want to watch Europsort on this one.

PACE MSS200 Series, multichoice videocrypt.
On the analog system, the tv broadcaster send the audio signal's on sub carriers, the subcarriers are the unused space on a transponder(signal),
Tis space will used for the sound.
The sound are for example 7.02 mhz english, 7.20 german 7.38 italian 7.56 spain enz

The subcarriers are for a transponder 6.60 mhz, 7.02(audio, radio or with 7.20 a stereo signal) 7.20(audio, radio or with 7.02 a stereo signal) 7.38(audio, radio or with 7.56 a stereo signal) 7.56(audio, radio or with 7.38 a stereo signal) 7.74(audio, radio or with 7.92 a stereo signal) 7.92 (audio, radio or with 7.74 a stereo signal)

You must re-programming you analog reciever to a other sub-carrier!!! for recieve a sound of eurosport.
You can buy a new remote controll, the sat or tv shop will help you further!!

The german and english sound a presented on the transponder of eurosport!!!
The other subcarriers a encrypted audio for other country's in europe.

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