Radio probleme whith noonmanit



My 9600 work wery good whith noonmanit,CA.2-017,fun card and 4in1 . The problem is I don t have audio on radio chanel in seca and viacces (in irdeto if I go in menu and change the type of CA in normal CA, I have sound :ex. on premiere MCE pachet), but in another system I try evrything what I can,and the final is negativ. Does enybody now something abaut these? Whith Noonmanit ,2-017,and funcard I can have seca and viacces radio programe? I see in a place read of CA.2-018 and 2-019.Is true anything abaut these software>? And I can not to no question: is a chance to find in the future another new version of n oonmanit? Whith many thanks


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Bovenaan Onderaan