Bekijk de onderstaande video om te zien hoe je onze site als een web app op je startscherm installeert.
Opmerking: Deze functie vereist momenteel het gebruik van de ingebouwde Safari browser.
BiG_G zei:Wie kan welke server niet vinden?
Nja, met torrent haal ik geen 715 kb/sec, met ftp wel.Torrent veel te langzaam ?
Die dvd was vlot genoeg binnen hoor.
MAS3 zei:Volgens mij horen t er 5 te zijn..
AntiVir is the virus protection for your standalone computer, peer-to-peer networks or your individual workstations in the network. It checks, on the fly, every data operation and allows manual searches for scanning individual files or mapped drives. It also provides on-access scanning of file shares by all standard virus scanners.
SpamAssassin is an intelligent e-mail filter that identifies spam. It uses a diverse range of tests to identify unsolicited bulk e-mail; these tests are applied to e-mail headers and content to classify e-mail using advanced statistical methods. In addition, SpamAssassin has a modular architecture that allows other technologies to be quickly wielded against spam and is designed for easy integration into virtually any e-mail system.
BiG_G zei:Hehehehehe,
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