Transponder update 01.04.05


Addicted Member
Special Friend
Lid sinds
15 aug 2002
Thanks to Satdude


T?rksat 1C - 42.0E

Slayt TV has left 11135V

Hellas Sat 2 - 39.0E

Balkania TV has left 12524V

OTE SatLux is testing on 12524V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID25 VPID4112 APID4113 Gre

Eurobird 1 - 28.5E

The Sky Digital package has left 11343V

Inspiration Network International has started on 11662H clear SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID51019 VPID2372 APID2373 Eng

Astra 1E - 19.2E

TRT International has started on 11597V clear SYM:22000 FEC 5/6 SID10003 VPID513 APID661 Tur

Astra 1F - 19.2E

New pid for ProSieben on 11435V Clear SYM:22000 FEC 5/6 SID658 VPID255APID257 Ger

Discovery Geschichte Germany has started on 11758H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID13 VPID1535 APID1536 Ger

Astra 1G - 19.2E

The 1?re Compagnie info card has left 12012V

W9 has started on 11895V Mediagu*rd 2 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID8357 VPID170 APID120 Fre

Festival has left 12581V

France 4 has started on 12581V Mediagu*rd 2 SYM:22000 FEC 5/6 SID9301 VPID160 APID80 Fre

Astra 1H - 19.2E

New SID for Kiosque 14 on 12129V Mediagu*rd 2 FEC 3/4 SYM:27500 SID8411 VPID166 APID104 Fre

LCP - La Cha?ne Parlementaire has left 12207V

Bloomberg TV France has left 12207V

NT1 has started on 12285V Mediagu*rd 2 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID17028 VPID168 APID112 Fre

BBC World has left 12285V

LCP - La Cha?ne Parlementaire has started on 12285V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID17027 VPID167 APID108 Fre

Bloomberg TV France has started on 12285V Mediagu*rd 2 / Viacc*ss 2.3 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID17029 VPID169APID116 Fre

RFM TV has left 12285V replaced by a test card

France ? has left 12324V

Eutelsat W2 - 16.0E

Top Channel Albania is now clear on 11092V SYM:32000 FEC 5/6 SID1700 VPID1702 APID1703 Alb

RTK 1 Sat has left 11449H

The 1?re Compagnie info card has left 11575H

Hot Bird 2 - 13.0E

Jetix UK has left 11727V

Hot Bird 3 - 13.0E

Smart Channel has left 12188V

Hot Bird 4 - 13.0E

M6 Music has changed name to M6 Music Hits on 10796V Mediagu*rd 2 / Viacc*ss 2.3 / Viacc*ss 2.4 / Viacc*ss 2.5 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID1410 VPID1020 APID1030 Fre

Festival has left 10796V

France 4 has started on 10796V Mediagu*rd 2 / Viacc*ss 2.3 / Viacc*ss 2.4 / Viacc*ss 2.5 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID1407 VPID720 APID730 Fre
Hot Bird 6 - 13.0E

KTO - TV Catholique has left 11034V moved to 12597V

W9 has started on 11034V Viacc*ss 2.3 / Viacc*ss 2.4 / Viacc*ss 2.5 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID1701 VPID120 APID130 Fre

NT1 has started on 11681H Mediagu*rd 1 / Mediagu*rd 2 / Viacc*ss 2.3 / Viacc*ss 2.4 / Viacc*ss 2.5 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID209 VPID168 APID112 Fre

RFM TV has left 11681H replaced by a test card

New SID for on 12558V clear FEC 3/4 SYM:27500 SID9302 VPID6660 APID6661 Ita (feed)

Eutelsat W1 - 10.0E

MGM Multi c, MGM Turkey and TV Lanka has left 12736H

Intelsat 1002 - 1.0W

TVR Cultural Romania has started on 12643H Nagravis*on 2 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID1185 VPID544 APID694 Rom

Atlantic Bird 3 - 5.0W

Festival has left 11591V

France 4 has started on 11591V clear SYM:19636 FEC 2/3 SID259 VPID420 APID430 Fre

Hispasat 1C/1D - 30.0W

Localia and Retelsat are now in clear on 11615H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4


Imedi TV on Eurasiasat 1 = 42 East
KTO left HotBird 6 = 13 East
BBC World left Astra 1H = 19 East
LCP new frequency on Astra 1H = 19 East
DPC TV 1 test on Astra 1H = 19 East
Perviy kanal on Express AM1 = 40 East
Al-Jazeera Package new SR Arabsat 2D = 26 East
Jaya TV - TV Lanka left Eutelsat W1 = 10 East
Viasat TV 3 Cinema test card on Sirius 2 = 5 East
Discovery Channel Turkey encrypted again Eurasiasat 1 - 42 East
Discovery Channel Turkey FTA now Eurasiasat 1 - 42 East
TRT Int on Astra 1E - 19 East
Slayt TV left T?rksat 1C - 42 East
Smart ?ocuk tests new PIDs Eurasiasat 1 - 42 East
ORTRK 12 Kanal left Yamal 201 - 90 East
Inspiration Network International on Eurobird 1 - 28 East
Smart left HotBird 3 - 13 East
Future TV Earth replaced Zen TVNilesat - 7 West
Future TV Earth replaced Zen TV Arabsat 2C - 26 East
Emirates Channel new PIDs Arabsat 3A
France 4 replaced Festival Atlantic Bird 3 - 5 West
MTV Schweiz & ?sterreich on HotBird 6 - 13 East
Viacom Package on HotBird 6 - 13 East (encrypted)

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