Transponder update 01.08.07


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15 aug 2002
News (Updated 22.00pm BST)

T?r'ksat 2A - 42.0E

Ask TV ''has started'' on 12133V clear SYM:3333 FEC 3/4 SID2 VPID300 APID310 Tu

Express AM 1 - 40.0E

PlanetSky internet service has left 11044H

EuroBird 1 - 28.5E

Setanta Sports 1 is testing in the Sky Digital package on 11426H VideoGu'ard SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID50909 VPID2344 APID2345 Eng

Setanta Sports 1 is testing in the Sky Digital package on 11642V VideoGu'ard SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID50909 VPID2344 APID2345 Eng

Badr 4 - 26.0E

BBC World has started in the Arabsat package on 12073H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID306 VPID3006 APID3106 Eng

Tests Ashorooq TV has started in the SamaCom package on 12111H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID12 VPID3221 APID3222 Ara

Bahrain Sports 2 has started in the Bahrain mux on 12226H clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID4 VPID515 APID680 A

Eurobird 2 - 25.5E

Al Madina has left 11075V

Astra 3A - 23.5E

Top TV has left 12649H replaced by a test card

Astra 1H - 19.2E

The mux with Astra HDTV, MCM 10 ans and Poseidon promos has left 12610V

9 Live, Kabel Eins Deutschland, N 24 (Germany), Pro Sieben Deutschland and Sat 1 Deutschland have left 12480V now available on Astra 1L 12545H

Gl?ck TV and Spirit on TV info cards have started on 12480V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

Astra 1KR - 19.2E

Transponder 50 with Das Vierte has moved from Astra 2C to Astra 1KR with the same parameters - 10729V PAL

Transponder 62 with HSE 24 has moved from Astra 2C to Astra 1KR with the same parameters - 10906V PAL

Transponder 37 with Astro TV has moved from Astra 2C to Astra 1KR with the same parameters - 11023H PAL

Spirit on TV has left 10832H replaced by an info card

Top TV has left 10832H replaced by a test card

Eutelsat W2 - 16.0E

Total TV Info has started in the Total TV package on 10972V SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID1313 VPID313 APID449 Ser

Duga TV has started in the STN package on 12728V clear SYM:26050 FEC 2/3 SID3 VPID301 APID302 Slo

New Symbol Rate for the STN mux with Čarli TV, Kanal A (Slovenia), Pop TV, Svet Plus, TV 3 Slovenija and TV Pika on 12728V SYM:26050 FEC 2/3

Hot Bird 6 - 13.0E

AIT has started in the package RRSat Global Network on 11013H clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID70 VPID368 APID624 Eng

On X has left 11013H

Hot Bird 7A - 13.0E

MTV Pulse has started in the Telekom Srbija package on 11411H clear SYM:27500 FEC 5/6 SID14231 VPID2311 APID2312 Fre

MTV Idol has started in the Telekom Srbija package on 11411H clear SYM:27500 FEC 5/6 SID14232 VPID2321 APID2322 Fre

Italy & Italy has left 11411H now available on Hot Bird 8 12322H

Hot Bird 8 - 13.0E

A BBC Arabic test card has started in the package British Telecom on 11727V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID13919 VPID6781 APID6782 Ara

Animal Planet Polska, Discovery Channel Polska, Discovery Civilisation Polska, Discovery Science Channel Polska and Discovery Travel & Living Europe have started in the British Telecom pakage on 11727V MPEG-4/Con'ax SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

Cee (I) TV and La Locale have left 11727V

Thor 2 - 0.8W

Moox Live has left 11325H

Intelsat 10-02 - 1.0W

Kohavision is clear in the package AlbanicaSat on 12735V SYM:8800 FEC 5/6 SID1 VPID257 APID258 Alb

RTV 21 Sat is clear in the package AlbanicaSat on 12735V SYM:8800 FEC 5/6 SID3 VPID769 APID770 Alb

Nilesat 101 - 7.0W

Al Hedaya ''has started'' on 11766H clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID524 VPID1023 APID1024 A

Atlantic Bird 1 - 12.5W

MTV Pulse has started in the Eutelsat package on 11387H clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID14854 VPID571 APID572 Fre

MTV Idol has started the Eutelsat package on 11387H clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID14855 VPID581 APID582 Fre

Sitcom Uno ''has started'' in the Telecom Italia Media package on 12515H clear SYM:17455 FEC 3/4 SID17 VPID280 APID281 Ita

Qoob has left 12545H now available on 12515H

La 7 and MTV Italia have left 12515H replaced by info cards now available on 12545H

Hispasat 1D - 30.0W

Iberica TV has left the Overon package on 11615H

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