Transponder update 02.02.04


Addicted Member
Special Friend
Lid sinds
15 aug 2002
Transponder update 02.02.04

Thanks to Satdude


PAS 10 - 68.5E

ARY Digital UK is now encrypted in Ird*to on 3864H SYM:19850 FEC 3/4 SID2 VPID513

APID660 Ur

ARY Digital Mideast is also now encrypted in Ird*to on 3864H SYM:19850 FEC 3/4 SID5

VPID516 APID690 Ur

Express AM 22 - 53.0E

The satellite has arrived and is now ready for transmissions

Eurasiasat 1 - 42E

Fashion TV T?rkiye has left 11867V SID5 VPID37 APID38 Turkish replaced by test c*rd

(Medya Grubu)

Arabsat 2D - 25.8E

Saudi Arabian TV 1 has left 11575H

Saudi Arabian TV 2 has left 11575H

Emirates Channel has left 11608H replaced by test c*rd (UAE mux)

Astra 1G - 19.2E

Motors TV new FRQ:12640V SYM:22000 FEC 5/6 SID8910 VPID169 APID116 F/117 E

Astra 1H - 19.2E

Motors TV has left 12610V

Eutelsat W2 -16E

TRT 1 has replaced SinemaTurk on11554V FTA SYM:28800 FEC 7/8 SID2 VPID513

APID660 Tu (Interactive Technologies)

Bloomberg TV UK has started on 11554V FTA SYM:28800 FEC 7/8 SID4 VPID515

APID680 E (Interactive Technologies)

Onyx TV is testing on 11554V SYM:28800 FEC 7/8 SID6 VPID517 APID700 German

FTA (Interactive Technologies)

RTL Shop is testing on 11554V SYM:28800 FEC 7/8 SID6 VPID517 APID700 German

FTA (Interactive Technologies)

Hotbird 2 - 13E

Arabesque SS Music is now encrypted in Viacc*ss 2 11938H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

SID7303 VPID7313 APID7323 English

Hot Bird 3 - 13E

TVN 24 has started on 12322H Nagravis*on SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID7306 VPID561

APID562 (Cyfrowy Polsat )

Sirius 3 - 5E

Viasat Sport 2 has started regular broadcast on 11804H Viacc*ss 1 / Videogu*rd

SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID6060 VPID6061 APID6062 S/6063 N (Visat)

Viasat Sport 3 has started regular broadcast on 11804H Viacc*ss 1 / Videogu*rd

SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID6070 VPID6071 APID6072 S/6073 N (Visat)

Viasat Sport Sverige has changed name to Viasat Sport 1 on11977V Viacc*ss 1 /

Videogua*rd SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID2100 VPID2101 APID2102 S/2102 N/2102 FI


Thor 2 - 0.8W

TV 3 Norge has started on 11357H D2-MAC/Eurocrypt M

Nilesat 101 - 7W

A new channel has started in Nojoomtv United Arab Emirates on 11785V SYM:27500

FEC 3/4 SID1809 VPID33 APID36 Arabic FTA

Satcom C1 - 37.5W

Mega Cosmos has replaced Magic Peiraia on 3818V FTA SYM:21000 FEC 3/4 SID8

VPID519 APID647 Gr (Unitel)


MIR DUSHANBE has replaced MIR YEREVAN on 60.0E 11498V/4500
??????? ???? has appeared on 36.0E 12233L/12000
TWR has appeared on 28.2E 11585H/27500
BT5 has replaced CALVISAN0 on 16.0E 11158H/5632
Private Gold has appeared on 1.0W 12226V/28000
Eurosport News has appeared on 1.0W 12476H/27800
E! Style has appeared on 1.0W 12476H/27800
TEST has appeared on 13.0E 12476H/27500
KANAL 7 INT has appeared on 42.0E 11141V/4300
MMOV_PF 11 has appeared on 13.0E 12616H/27500
MMOV_PF 9 has appeared on 13.0E 12616H/27500
MMOV_PF 8 has appeared on 13.0E 12616H/27500
MMOV_PF 12 has appeared on 13.0E 12616H/27500
Calcio 1 has appeared on 13.0E 12616H/27500
MMOV_PF 6 has appeared on 13.0E 12616H/27500
Calcio 2 has replaced mc29 on 13.0E 12616H/27500
MMOV_PF 10 has replaced mc27 on 13.0E 12616H/27500
MMOV_PF 7 has replaced mc26 on 13.0E 12616H/27500
Hallo Jack,

Even een vraagje over het overzicht. Wat houdt het onderste overzicht in?.
Dus als je alle satellieten langs bent geweest ., komt er nog een lijstje. Wat houdt dit in

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