Transponder update 05/01/04


Addicted Member
Special Friend
Lid sinds
15 aug 2002
Transponder update 05/01/04

Thanks to Satdude


Arabsat 2B - 30.5E

Blue Nile Channel has left 12600H and also on 12587V

Astra 1G - 19.2E

Minimax Hungary (05:30-19:30 CET) / MusicMax (19:30-05:30 CET) are in FTA on 12382H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

Telessonne has started on 12012V Mediagu*rd 2 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

Astra 1H 192E

RTL Osterreich has left 12188H replaced by test card

Eutelsat W2 - 16E

Package TV Klan Sat BBF Shijak TV Tele Sport and Tele Arberia are encrypted again in Ird*to 2 on 11449H SYM:16000 FEC 3/4

Hot Bird 1 - 13E

Italia 1 and Canale 5 are in FTA ON 11387H SYM:27500 F EC 2/3

Hot Bird 2 - 13E

Video Italia is encrypted again in Mediagu*rd 2 / Videogu*rd on 11862H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

Hot Bird 3 - 13E

Zee TV Europe and Zee Cinema UK are in FTA on 12476H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

Hot Bird 6 - 13E

Openet has started broadcasting on 12558V FTA SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

Cine Info has left 10873V

Express 3? - 11W

Playlist Italia has replaced Video Italia on 11525V FTA SYM:3863 FEC 2/3

NSS 7 - 22W

CFI Afrique Pro and TV 5 Asie are in FTA on 3756R SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

Hispasat 1C/1D - 30W

Canal 24 Horas has moved from 12149V to 11731V Nagravis*on SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

CCV - Canal Comunitat Valenciana has moved from 11731V to 12380V Nagravis*on SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

GeoPlaneta TV has left 11731V

NSS 806 - 40.5W

Utilisima Satelital has left 3725R replaced by test card FTA

PAS 3R - 43.1W

XHTV - 4 TV has started on 12611V SYM:1561 FEC 7/8


HOL 70 has replaced HAYAT BR0KAT on 16.0E 12540H/5632
Telemedia 3 has replaced Minimax Hun for UPC on 4.0W 11260H/27500
SIC has replaced CINE INFO on 13.0E 10872V/27500
WDR K?ln has replaced WDR FERNSEHEN on 19.2E 11837H/27500
YOU FM has replaced XXL on 19.2E 11837H/27500
SSSTES-34 2 AUDIO has replaced MERIDIAN 8MBIT TES 9 on 16.0E 11177H/5632
BT TES 38 has replaced BT5 on 16.0E 11126H/5632
RETEVISION E-19 has replaced SKY TG 24 CH B on 16.0E 11134H/5632
DRBandoT has appeared on 1.0W 11014H/26000
NTV HAYAT BIH has replaced Adjara tv on 16.0E 12692V/4340
Adjara tv has replaced NTV HAYAT BIH on 16.0E 12692V/4340
ESP has replaced ESP RACING-BARCA on 7.0E 11471H/27500
HIGHLIGHTS 22GMT has replaced MULTIFUTBOL on 7.0E 11471H/27500
ENG has replaced ENG RACING-BARCA on 7.0E 11471H/27500

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