Transponder update 07.07.07


Addicted Member
Special Friend
Lid sinds
15 aug 2002

Bonum 1 - 56.0E

Hustler TV Europe has change name to Blue Hustler Europe in the package NTV Plus Vostok on 12245R Viacc'ess 2.6 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

T?rksat 2A - 42.0E

New frequency for Discovery Civilisation in the D-Smart package on 11966H VideoGu'ard SYM:12500 FEC 5/6 SID507 VPID518 APID710 Eng

New frequency for Discovery Science Channel in the D-Smart package on 11966H VideoGu'ard SYM:12500 FEC 5/6 SID508 VPID519 APID720 Eng

New frequency for Discovery Travel & Living UK in the D-Smart package on 11966H VideoGu'ard SYM:12500 FEC 5/6 SID509 VPID520 APID730 Eng

Discovery Travel & Living UK is encrypted again in Videogu'ard in the package D-Smart on 12659V SYM:6666 FEC 5/6 SID703 VPID514 APID670 Eng

Eutelsat W4 - 36.0E

Hustler TV Europe has changed name to
Blue Hustler Europe in the package NTV Plus on 12322R Viacc'ess 2.5 / Viacc'ess 2.6 / Viacc'ess 3.0 SYM: 27500 FEC 3/4

Badr 4 - 26.0E

Sharjah TV 2 info card is clear on 11804H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID10 VPID50 APID150 Ara

EuroBird 1 - 28.5E

Simply TV (19-07) is clear in the Sky Digital package on 12523H SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID55007 VPID2317 APID2330 Eng

Eutelsat W2 - 16.0E

My Music is now encrypted in Con'ax in the Digital Albania package on 11092V SYM:32000 FEC 5/6 SID1860 VPID1861 APID1862 Alb

Hotbird 6 - 13.0E

Odeon Sat is back again in the Network Teleport Italia package on 11200V clear SYM:27500 FEC 5/6 SID4720 VPID424 APID425 Ita

TeleCampione is back again in the Network Teleport Italia package on 11200V clear SYM:27500 FEC 5/6 SID4725 VPID421 APID422 Ita

Hotbird 7A - 13.0E

Eurosport 2 France is clear on 11240V SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID13801 VPID2825 APID2823 Eng (Multi language)

Eurosport France is now clear on 11240V SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID13831 VPID2577 APID2562 Eng (Multi language)

Saudi Channel 2 has left 11411H

Hot Bird 8 - 13.0E

La 8 / La9 has started in the package Antenna Hungaria on 12149V SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID7210 VPID336 APID337 Ita

Eutelsat W3A - 7.0E

Eurosport 2 Germany is clear on 11346H SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID5706 VPID2101 APID2102 Ger

Thor 3 - 0.8W

NASN Europe is encrypted again in Con'ax in the Canal Digital package on 12226V SYM:28000 FEC 3/4 SID1847 VPID522 APID698 Eng

Amos 1 - 4.0W

New mux with IBA Channel 1 and IBA Channel 33 ''has started'' on 11633V clear SYM:8518 FEC 3/4

Atlantic Bird 4 - 7.0W

Al Khalij has left 12360H

Atlantic Bird 1 - 12.5W

Italy & Italy has left 11155H

Planet Italia has left 11160H

TizianaSat has left 11164H

New perameters for Oasi TV on 12529V clear FEC 7/8 SYM:1550 SID100 VPID512 APID768 Ita

New frequency for TizianaSat on 12593H SYM:2170 FEC 3/4 SID1000 VPID101 APID102 Ita

Diretta TV is back again on 12733V clear SYM:1550 FEC 2/3 SID1 VPID512 APID513 Ita

Hispasat 1C - 30.0W

Telecuador in the package Ecuadorian mux is clear on 12094H SYM:6821 FEC 7/8 SID1 VPID4128 APID4129 Spa

Canal 1 Ecuador International in the package Ecuadorian mux is now clear on 12094H SYM:6821 FEC 7/8 SID257 VPID4384 APID4385 Spa

Ecua TV in the package Ecuadorian mux is now clear 12094H SYM:6821 FEC 7/8 SID769 VPID4896 APID4897 Spa

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