Transponder update 08.04.05


Addicted Member
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Lid sinds
15 aug 2002
Thanks to Satdude

News (another big update)

Eurasiasat 1 - 42.0E

Anadolu R?zgar? has started on 12017H clear SYM:8150 FEC 5/6

Test c*rd Halk TV has started on 12535H Clear SYM:2962 FEC 3/4 SID1 VPID33 APID34 Tur

A Kanal C promo has started on 12647V clear SYM:4444 FEC 5/6

Express A1R - 40.0E

The package with Kultura (+2h), Perviy kanal (+2h), Perviy kanal (0h), Rossiya (+2h) and Rossiya (0h) has left 3975R

A test c*rd has started on 3975R clear SYM:26665 FEC 3/4

Express AM 1 - 40.0E

Second copy of Perviy kanal (0h) has left 3675R replaced by a test c*rd

Hellas Sat 2 - 39.0E

The Sat-Lux promo has left 12524V replaced by an OTE test c*rd

VH1 Video Hits One is back on 12698V Ird*to 2 SYM:15000 FEC 7/8 SID1005 VPID272 APID273 Eng

AXN Central Europe has left 12698V

Eurobird 1 - 28.5E

New pid for Motors TV on 11307V VideoGu*rd SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID53335 VPID3329 APID3330 Eng

New pid for Nation 217 on 11307V Clear SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID53370 VPID2329 APID2330 Eng

New pid for Simply Home on 11307V Clear SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID53350 VPID2364 APID2365 Eng

New pid for Simply Ideas on 11307V Clear SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID53315 VPID2324 APID2325 Eng

New pid for Simply Shopping on 11307V Clear SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID53360 VPID2353 APID2354 Eng

New pid for Vector Direct on 11307V Clear SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID53355 VPID2322 APID2323 Eng

New SID for Xplicit (21h30-6h30) on 11307V (21h30-6h30) FEC 2/3 SYM:27500 SID53377 VPID2342 APID2343 Eng

SAB TV has left 11390H

MATV National has started on 11390H clear SYM:27500 FEC 2/3

Sky Box Office 34 has left 11469H moved to Astra 2B - 12090V

Two copies of TV Network Shop Mosaic have started on 11488V clear SYM:27500 FEC 2/3

Hollywood TV has started on 11662H clear SYM:27500 FEC 2/3

A GlobeCast London test c*rd has started on 11662H clear SYM:27500 FEC 2/3

Astra 2A - 28.2E

New pid for Discovery Home & Leisure +1 on 12148H VideoGu*rd SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID50003 VPID518 APID646 Eng

New pid for Eurosport 2 UK on 12148H VideoGu*rd SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID5009 VPID519 APID647 Eng

New pid for Hallmark UK on 12148H VideoGu*rd SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID5010 VPID517 APID645 Eng

New pid for SciFi Channel on 12148H VideoGu*rd SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID4905 VPID512 APID640 Eng

New pid for Sky Sports 1 on 12148H VideoGu*rd SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID4914 VPID515 APID643 Eng

New pid for Sky Sports News on 12148H VideoGu*rd SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID4907 VPID513 APID641 Eng

New pid for Sky Sports Xtra on 12148H VideoGu*rd SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID5401 VPID514 APID642 Eng

Astra 2B - 28.2E

Sky Box Office 34 has started on 12090V Videogu*rd SYM:27500 FEC 2/3

Astra 2D - 28.2E

ITV 1 Tyne Tees TV North ''has started'' on 10891H Videogu*rd SYM:22000 FEC 5/6 given in yesterdays update

Arabsat 2D - 25.8E

Al-Iraqiya TV Nenawah has left 11112V

Astra 1E - 19.2E

New package with a test c*rd has started on 11973V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

Eutelsat W2 - 16.0E

Star Academy Bulgaria has started testing on 11513V Con*x / Cryptow*rks SYM:28800 FEC 7/8

Hot Bird 1 - 13.0E

EuroSport 2 is now in clear on 11304H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

The package with LoveWorld TV SRi Lanka and Vectone Tamil has left 11221H

Hot Bird 2 - 13.0E

The test c*rd has left 11785H

LoveWorld TV SRi Lanka and Vectone Tamil have started on 11785H clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

Hot Bird 3 - 13.0E

The Baby TV promo has left 12207H

Hot Bird 6 - 13.0E

EuroSport and EuroSport 2 are now clear on 12558V SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

Eutelsat W3A - 7.0E

A TVP Kultura promo has started on 11175V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 given in yesterdays update

EuroSport 2 is now clear on 11345H SYM:27500 FEC 2/3

Sirius 2 - 4.8E

Discovery Channel Hungary has started on 12303H Pow*rVu SYM:25548 FEC 7/8

Nilesat 101/102 - 7.0W

An Iraq Sport promo has started on 11919H clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

Atlantic Bird 1 - 12.5W

New package with ACQ-KBN, Ang Dating Daan, ATN Bangla, CTN Internationa, Living Asia Channel, Sanskar TV, TV 9 and TVK has started on 11335H clear SYM:13021 FEC 3/4


ACQ - KBN has started on 11335H SYM:13021 FEC 3/4 SID5 VPID60 APID61 Eng

Ang Dating Daan has started on 11335H SYM:13021 FEC 3/4 SID7 VPID38 APID37 Eng

ATN Bangla India has started on 11335H SYM:13021 FEC 3/4 SID1 VPID34 APID35 Ben

CTN International Cambodia has started on 11335H SYM:13021 FEC 3/4 SID4 VPID100 APID101 Khm

Living Asia Channel has started on 11335H SYM:13021 FEC 3/4 SID3 VPID42 APID43 Eng

Sanskar TV has started on 11335H SYM:13021 FEC 3/4 SID8 VPID120 APID121 Hindi / San

TV 9 India has started on 11335H SYM:13021 FEC 3/4 SID2 VPID768 APID769 Tel

NSS 7 - 22.0W

Sharjah TV has started on 4179R clear SYM:27500 FEC 7/8

Hispasat 1C/1D - 30.0W

Retelsat (06-24 CET) is encrypted again in Viacc*ss 2/3 on 11615H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

Localia is encrypted again in Viacc*ss 2/3 on 11615H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4

Satcom C1 - 37.5W (orbit inclination - 0.9)

The Unitel package has left 3818V

AMC 12 - 37.5W

The satellite has started testing at 37.5 West reports please if any?

3860V, 4020V, 4060V, 4100 and 4180V

NSS 806 - 40.5W

The Tele N tests have left 3866R

Tele N has started testing on 4135R clear SYM:2000 FEC 5/6

Intelsat 805 - 55.5W

XHTVL - Canal 9 has left 3431H


Halk TV info c*rd on Eurasiasat 1 - 42 East
New Package : TV 9 - ACQ-KBN - Itanone Mo Kay Sorino - ATN Bangla - CTI - TVK - Sansker TV - Living Asia on Atlantic Bird 1 - 12.5 West
TV Sri Lanka - LoveWorld - Vectone Tamil new frequency on HotBird 2 - 13 East
Hollywood TV on Eurobird 1 - 28 East
Perviy kanal (0h) left Express AM1 - 40 East
Perviy kanal (+2h) left Express A1R - 40 East
Perviy kanal (+4h) left Express 6A - 80 East
Iraq Sports promo on Nilesat - 7 West
Al Iraqiya new PIDs Arabsat 2D - 26 East
Al Iraqiya Satellite new PIDs Arabsat 2D - 26 East
HVS test c*rd left EuroBird? 3 - 33 East
DD TV info c*rd FTA again Sirius 2 - 5 East
Canale D left AtlanticBird 1 - 12.5 West
Showtime Network package left Intelsat 902 - 62 East

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