Transponder update 11.07.07


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15 aug 2002

Intelsat 10 - 68.5E

Zone Reality India & Asia is clear on 4122H SYM:2573 FEC 3/4 SID1 VPID2001 APID3001

T?rksat 1C - 42.0E

Air Box new perameters in the package TeleMesaj on 11022V clear SYM:4444 FEC 5/6 SID1 VPID257 APID258 Tur

Finest TV test new frequency in the package TeleMesaj on 11022V clear SYM:4444 FEC 5/6 SID1 VPID257 APID258 Tur

T?rksat 2A - 42.0E

NTV T?rkiye and TV 8 (Turkey) have left 11966H

Discovery Civilisation, Discovery Science Channel and Discovery Travel & Living Europe have started on 11966H Videogu'ard SYM:12500 FEC 5/6

The mux with Discovery Civilisation, Discovery Science Channel and Discovery Travel & Living Europe has left 12659V

Hellas Sat 2 - 39.0E

MM has left 12556H

EuroBird 1 - 28.5E

New frequency for Nick Junior in the Sky Digital package on 11390H VideoGu'ard SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID52409 VPID2322 APID2325 Eng

The Chat Lounge has started in the package Sky Digital package on 11623H clear SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID50868 VPID2349 APID2350 Eng

Astra 2B - 28.2E

Alpha TV Punjabi is now encrypted in VideoGu'ard in the package Sky Digital on 11973V SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID7470 VPID2308 APID2310 Pun

Astra 3A - 23.5E

Terra Nova has left 11514V

Astra 1H - 19.2E

Terranova has left 12285V replaced by an info card in the package CanalSat France SID17033 VPID173 APID132 Ger

Astra 1L - 19.2E

Transponder 107 with 9 Live, Kabel Eins Deutschland, N 24 (Germany), Pro Sieben Deutschland and Sat 1 Deutschland has moved from Astra 1G to Astra 1L with the same parameters - 12545H clear SYM:22000 FEC 5/6

Transponder 113 with AutoMoto TV, Bahn TV, DHD 24, Entertainment Channel (Germany), Gems TV Deutschland, Immo-Scout TV, K-TV Fernsehen, M?nnersache, Manneskraft TV, Nie Mehr Einsam TV, RheinMain TV, Supreme Master TV and Volksmusik TV has moved from Astra 1H to Astra 1L with the same parameters - 12633H clear SYM: 22000 FEC 5/6

Hotbird 6 - 13.0E

Andisheh TV has left 12577H

Hot Bird 7A - 13.0E

New perameters for TVM Maroc in the package SNRT on 12673V BISS SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID3 VPID49 APID50 / 51 Fre / Ara

Terranova has left 12692H replaced by an info card in the AB Sat package SID502 VPID161 APID84 Fre

Hot Bird 8 - 13.0E

New perameters for the Sky Italia package on 12466V SYM:30000 FEC 2/3

Eutelsat W3A - 7.0E

Eurosport 2 Deutschland in the package Eutelsat is clear on 11346H SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID5706 VPID2101 APID2102 Ger

Atlantic Bird 4 - 7.2W

Al Mukhtalif has started programming in the package Nilesat package on 10796V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID3608 VPID3614 APID3615 Ara

Hispasat 1C - 30.0W

Living in Spain has started in the package TSA on 11972V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID7 VPID35 APID36 / 37 Eng

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