Transponder update 12.10.04


Addicted Member
Special Friend
Lid sinds
15 aug 2002
Thanks to Satdude


Thaicom 3 - 78.5E

S*y International and test card encrypted in Ird*to 1 on 3695H SYM:5000 FEC 3/4 SID2 VPID513 APID660

PAS 10 - 68.5E

Hungama TV encrypted in Ird*to on 4075V SYM:4000 FEC 2/3 SID1 VPID500 APID600

Package NDTV - New Delhi TV has started on 4193V similar package on 3897V

NDTV 24x7 has started on 4193V clear SYM:8680 FEC 2/3 SID1 VPID32 APID33 E

NDTV India has started on 4193V clear SYM:8680 FEC 2/3 SID2 VPID34 APID36 Hi

Eurasiasat 1 - 42E

Dugun TV has started regular transmissions on 11779V clear SYM:6250 FEC 5/6 SID2 VPID868 APID869 Tu

Eutelsat Sesat - 36E

Package CFRT - Canadian Forces Radio and TV has left 11579H

EuroBird 1 - 28.5E

Real Estate TV is testing on 11585H Clear SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID50679 VPID2305 APID2309 Eng

Arabsat 2D - 25.8E

Almajd Holy Quran has started on 11585V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID206 VPID2560 APID2520 A (Arabsat)

Astra 1G - 19.2E

Test card Pink TV encrypted in Viacc*ss 2/3 / Mediagu*rd 2 on 12581V SYM:22000 FEC 5/6 SID9309 VPID169 APID116

Astra 1H - 19.2E

Test card Traumpartner TV has started on 12188H clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID12100 VPID170 APID144 (RTL Group)

Tests Pro Sieben has started on 12460H clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID663 VPID308 APID256

Hot Bird 1 - 13E

Rete 4 promo encrypted in Mediagu*rd 1/2 on 11387H SYM:27500 FEC 2/3 SID20 VPID531 APID840 Ita (Dfree)

Hot Bird 2 - 13E

Test card La Locale has started on 11727V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID13710 VPID2711 APID2712 (Vectone)

Test card Zagros TV has started on 11727V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID13720 VPID2721 APID2722 (Vectone)

ART Movie 2 has replaced ART Tarab on 12015H (22-08 CET) Viacc*ss 2/4 / Viacc*ss 2/5 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID440 VPID15 APID680 A (Arabesque)

Hotbird 4 - 13E

AB Sat France (Cin? Polar promo) is clear on 12692H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID508 VPID167 APID108 Fre

AB Sat France (Cin? FX promo) is clear on 12692H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID505 VPID164 APID96 Fre

Hot Bird 6 - 13E

Pink TV promo is testing on 11034V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID1712 VPID1220 APID1230 Fre (GlobeCast)

CNN International Europe encrypted on 12597V SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID8209 VPID168 APID112 E (GlobeCast)

Atlantic Bird 3 - 5W

Reuters World News Service clear on 3727R SYM:29950 FEC 7/8 SID708 VPID728 APID738

Tests HD Forum has left 11677V

Nilesat 102 - 7W

Iqraa TV is testing on 12303H clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID2301 VPID512 APID650 Ara


Broadcast Services - TURKEY has replaced 4 Service on 16.0E 11125V/5632
DIGITAL SPACE has replaced BT5 on 16.0E 11167H/5632
Nicktoons has replaced Nicktoons TV on 28.2E 12363V/27500
SATCOMSERVICES.BE 4 has replaced BT5 on 10.0E 11088V/5632
422-5.632 has replaced S*y News Dublin on 16.0E 12524H/5632
NTVRUS-5 0070957255318 has replaced ENEX on 16.0E 12532H/5632
Voice (DK) has appeared on 1.0W 11357H/24500
MTV has appeared on 1.0W 11357H/24500
Senato has replaced RaiSenato on 13.0E 11766V/27500
RADYO 7 has appeared on 42.0E 11135V/4444
RaiSenato has replaced Senato on 13.0E 11766V/27500
DigiTurk Package (11661 V) left Eutelsat W3A
Pink TV promo started on HotBird 6
Rete 4 encrypted again HotBird 1
Napoli International on HotBird 2
TVT (Tajik TV) on LMI 1
TVT (Tajik TV) left Intelsat 704
Vectone Bangla newfrequency Eurobird 1
Traumpartner TV test card on Astra 1H
Pink TV info card encrypted now Astra 1G
HD Forum France left Atlantic Bird 3
CFRT TV English / Francais clear now Express AM 22
Iqraa on Nilesat
Al Majd Holy Quran on Arabsat 2D
Al Rai TV test back on Arabsat 2B

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