Transponder update 14.04.04


Addicted Member
Special Friend
Lid sinds
15 aug 2002
Thanks to Satdude


Express AM22 - 53E

SGU TV 2 on 10975H SYM:8888 FEC 3/4 SID2 VPID1057 APID1058 Ru FTA

A new channel has started in Ukraina i Svit Ukraine on 11081V SYM:3750 FEC3/4 SID1 VPID33 APID34 Ukr FTA

Express A1R - 40E

Ukraina i Svit has left 11609V moved to Express AM 22 - 53 East

Astra 2A - 28.2E

S*y Welcome has left 11836H

Arabsat 3A - 26 East

Bahrain TV has left 11747V SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 replaced by test c*rd SID401 VPID4160 APID4120 Ar

Astra 3A - 23.5 East

L1 TV has left 11566V

Hotbird 2 - 13E

Ceylon TV has left 11938H SID7304 VPID7314 APID7324 Si

Dan Cinema has left 11938H SID7302 VPID7312 APID7322

Jaya TV has left 11938H SID7305 VPID7315 APID7325 Ta

Raj TV has left 11938H SID7306 VPID7316 APID7326 Ta

SS Music has left 11938H SID7303 VPID7313 APID7323 E

TRT Ta Ozhi has left 11938H SID7301 VPID7311 APID7321 Ta

Hotbird 4 - 13E

Deepam TV encrypted again on 10723H SYM:29900 FEC 3/4 SID4606 VPID1006 APID 1206 Ta(British Telecom)

Arabesque New frequency for Ceylon TV 12692H SYM:27500 FEC3/4 SID523 VPID173 APID132 Si FTA

Arabesque New frequency for Dan Cinema 12692H SYM:27500 FEC3/4 SID524 VPID174 APID136 FTA

Arabesque New frequency for TRT Ta Ozhi 12692H SYM:27500 FEC3/4 SID525 VPID175 APID140 E FTA

New frequency for TRT Ta Ozhi 12692H SYM:27500 FEC3/4 SID522 VPID172 APID128 Ta FTA

SS Music has left 12692H SID7303 VPID7313 APID7323 E

Hotbird 6 - 13E

Network Teleport promo is back on 11200V SYM:27500 FEC 5/6 SID4716 VPID382 APID383 It (Network Teleport Italia)

New frequency for MOU Maharishi Open University 11585V SYM:27500 FEC3/4 SID13504 VPID1341 APID1342 E FTA

Zalea TV : Tuesdays : 21 - 23 on 12577H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID0 VPID1204 APID1304 (GlobeCast)

Thor 3 - 0.8W

BKTV has started new FRQ:12226V SYM:28000 FEC 7/8 SID1838 VPID514 APID652 Bu

Express 3А - 11W

BKTV has left 3980R moved to Thor 3 12226V

Telstar 12 - 15W

DMC New frequency for National Geographic Polska 11124H SYM:18386 FEC3/4 SID1 VPID2001 APID2010 E/2019 Po/2020 Hu/2026 Ru Cryptow*rks

Hispasat 1D - 30W

Digital+ Hispasat New frequency for CCV Canal Comunitat Valenciana 12456V SYM:27500 FEC3/4 SID92 VPID169 APID116 Sp FTA

CCV Canal Comunitat Valenciana has left 12380V


test has appeared on 4.0W 11304H/19540
SVT24 G?vledala has replaced 24 G?vledala on 5.0E 11785V/27500
SVT24 V?rmlandsnytt has replaced 24 V?rmlandsnytt on 5.0E 11785V/27500
SVT24 V?stnytt has replaced 24 V?stnytt on 5.0E 11785V/27500
SVT24 REG has replaced 24 REG on 5.0E 11785V/27500
SVT24 Mittnytt has replaced 24 Mittnytt on 5.0E 11785V/27500
SVT24 Sydnytt has replaced 24 Sydnytt on 5.0E 11785V/27500
SVT24 Nordnytt has replaced 24 Nordnytt on 5.0E 11785V/27500
SVT24 Tv?rsnytt has replaced 24 Tv?rsnytt on 5.0E 11785V/27500
SVT24 ABC has replaced 24 ABC on 5.0E 11785V/27500
SVT24 ?stnytt has replaced 24 ?stnytt on 5.0E 11785V/27500
SVT24 V?sterbottensnytt has replaced 24 V?sterbottensnytt on 5.0E 11785V/27500
SVT24 Sm?landsnytt has replaced 24 Sm?landsnytt on 5.0E 11785V/27500
RADIOMADIO has replaced RADYO 92.3 on 7.0E 11658V/30000
MTI has replaced CardMania TV on 13.0E 11200V/27500
BT5 has replaced HEADLINE BEL-23 on 16.0E 11167H/5632
B-92 has replaced HOL-54 on 16.0E 12555H/5632
GCA_LF1_ENC1 has appeared on 45.0E 11586V/5632
ALMATY-2003 has replaced TBILISI on 60.0E 11498V/4500
HOL 11RTL has appeared on 16.0E 12540H/5632
Easy Radio has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
Club Asia has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
SBN has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
CrossRhythm has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
Akash Radio has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
Record TV has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
UCB Insp has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
Shop 24/7 has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
Shop America has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
Solar Radio has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
RTE Europe has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
UCB Talk has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
Asian Gold has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
EWTN has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
FamI2 has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
Family Radio has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
FCUK FM has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
YES has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
FO2 has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
TV SHOP has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
UCB Europe has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
Game Network has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
JML Direct has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
TV Warehouse has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
WRN Europe has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
Panjab Radio has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
FamI1 has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
Sukh Sagar has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
Gaydar Radio has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
UCB Bible has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
Shop Smart has appeared on 28.2E 12344H/27500
Reality TV. has replaced Reality TV on 28.2E 12344H/27500

Hosting Fun


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