Transponder update 18.10.05


Addicted Member
Special Friend
Lid sinds
15 aug 2002
Thanks to Satdude


Eurasiasat 1 - 42.0E

New package with Europe has started on 12614V clear SYM:3003 FEC 5/6 SID1 VPID257 APID513 (RRSat)

New package with RED has started on 12614V clear SYM:3003 FEC 5/6 SID2 VPID258 APID514 (RRSat)

New package with SHE has started on 12614V clear SYM:3003 FEC 5/6 SID3 VPID259 APID515 (RRSat)

Kanal 6 has left 12688H

Eyilik TV has left 12706H

Hellas Sat 2 - 39.0E

RR Sat has left 12647V

7 dni TV Bulgaria is now clear on 12688H SYM:28800 FEC 7/8 SID18 VPID1104 APID1105 Bul

Eurobird 1 - 28.5E

Another test c*rd has started on 11344H clear SYM:22000 FEC 2/3

Astra 3A - 23.5E

The 3G MC tests have left 11475V

Hollywood TV has started on 11475V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID7618 VPID1618 APID2618

Gute Laune TV has started on 11635H Betacr*pt / Nagravis*on 2 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID50111 VPID1261 APID1262 Deu (Kabel Deutschland)

Hotbird 4 - 13.0E

New pid for Arrabiaa on 12673V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID4 VPID47 APID48 Ara

RTM 1 is testing in clear on 12673V SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID66 VPID1041 APID1042 Fre / Ara

Eutelsat W3A - 7.0E

Telesur has left 11302H

Start has left 11678H

Sirius 3 - 5.0E

Nelonen has started on 11862V Videogu*rd SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID3470 VPID3471 APID3472 (Viasat)

Intelsat 1002 - 1.0W

Viasat History has left 12643H

New frequency for National Geographic (Romania) on 12643H Nagravis*on 2 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID1031 VPID531 APID681 Eng

New frequency for N 24 (Romania) on 12687H Nagravis*on 2 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID1010 VPID510 APID660 Rom

New frequency for Spice Platinum 12723H Nagravis*on 2 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID1033 VPID533 APID683

New frequency for Viasat History 12723H Nagravis*on 2 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID1358 VPID548 APID698 Rom / Eng

National Geographic Romania has left 12687H

Spice Platinum has left 12687H

N 24 Romania has left 12723H

Telstar 12 - 15.0W

ESPN USA is clear on 12525V SYM:26470 FEC 3/4 SID255 VPID1960 APID1920 Eng (Feed )

New sid for CNN USA on 12548H FEC 2/3 SYM:15000 SID3 VPID257 APID514 Eng

Hispasat 1D - 30.0W

The TV Cabo package has started on 11616V Nagravis*on 1/2 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 copy of the package on 11577V


Europe - Red - She on Eurasiasat 1 - 42 East
GTRK Kamchatka on Express AM 11 - 96.5 East (C Band)
Zee News FTA now NSS 6 - 95 East
Jamnat test on Insat 2E - 83 East (C Band)
Dhamma Channel new SR Telstar 10 - 76.5 East (C band)
Tele Reunion on Hellas Sat 2 - 39 East
7 Dni TV FTA now Hellas Sat 2 - 39 East
Al Forat Network left Arabsat 2B - 30.5 East (C Band)
Real Estate TV new frequency on Eurobird 1 - 28.5 East
You TV new frequency on Eurobird 1 - 28.5 East
Joj encrypted now Astra 3A - 23.5 East
(Unnamed) Music Channel on HotBird 6 - 13 East
Hellas HDTV test started on HotBird 6 - 13 East
Sicilia Int back on HotBird 2 - 13 East
Jordan Satellite Channel left HotBird 3 - 13 East
Al Forat Network on Eutelsat W1 - 10 East
Al Nasr TV info c*rd left Eutelsat W1 - 10 East
TV 8 Mont Blanc back on Telecom 2D - 8 West
(Unnamed) Music Channel on Telstar 12 - 15 West
Retelsat encrypted again Hispasat 1D - 30 West

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