Transponder update 21/11/03


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15 aug 2002
Transponder update 21/11/03

Thanks to Sat-Mania

News (next update 24/11/03)

Intelsat 601 - 64.2E

The SatGate internet service has started on 11677V SYM:26043 FEC 7/8

Insat 3E - 55.0E

The satellite has moved from 52 East to 55 East to begin a regular service

Eurasiasat 1 - 42.0E

New Symbol Rate for Marmara TV on 12534H NTL SYM:2346 FEC 5/6 SID1VPID308 APID256 Tu

ASTV has left 12629H SID53 VPID1536 APID1537 Turkish

ASTV is back new FRQ: on 12652H Nagravis*on SYM:22500 FEC 5/6 SID53 VPID1536 APID1537 Tu (DigiFunClub)

Astra 1H - 19.2E

RheinMaiN TV has started on 12633H SYM:22000 FEC 5/6 SID12614 VPID208 APID308 G (11-23)
(Time sharing with EuroNews)

EuroNews has also started on 12633H SYM:22000 FEC 5/6 SID12614 VPID208 APID308 G (23-11) (Time sharing with RheinMaiN TV)

Eutelsat W2 - 16.0E

Emi Li is back on 11003H FTA SYM:3254 FEC 2/3 SID2 VPID4194 APID4195 I (Tele Akry)

Hotbird 2 - 13 0E

Arabesque PIDs have changed for Ceylon TV VPID7314 APID7324 Singhalese SID7304 11938H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 Viacc*ss 2

Arabesque PIDs have changed for Dan Cinema VPID7312 APID7322 SID7302 11938H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 Viacc*ss 2

Arabesque PIDs have changed for Jaya TV VPID7315 APID7325 Tamil SID7305 11938H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 Viacc*ss 2

PIDs have changed for Raj TV VPID7316 APID7326 Tamil SID7306 11938H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 FTA

Arabesque PIDs have changed for SS Music VPID7313 APID7323 English SID7303 11938H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 Viacc*ss 2

PIDs have changed for TRT Tamil Ozhi VPID7311 APID7321 Tamil SID7301 11938H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 FTA

Arabesque Ceylon TV SYM:i Lanka is now transmitted FTA 11938H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID7304 VPID7314 APID7324 Singhalese

Arabesque Dan Cinema India is now transmitted FTA 11938H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID7302 VPID7312 APID7322

Arabesque Jaya TV India is now transmitted FTA 11938H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID7305 VPID7315 APID7325 Tamil

Arabesque SS Music India is now transmitted FTA 11938H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID7303 VPID7313 APID7323 English

Hot Bird 3 - 13.0E

New frequency for VTV 4 12207H SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID50 VPID2817 APID2818 Vietnamese FTA (RR Satellite Communications)

New SID for XDream TV on 12207H FEC 3/4 SYM:27500 SID9 VPID2321 APID2323 FTA

NTV Hayat is testing on 12303V SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID3220 VPID270 APID271 Bosnian (encrypted in Viacc*ss 2)

Hot Bird 4 - 13.0E

Emi Li is back on 12673V FTA SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID4208 VPID310 APID311 I (Telespazio)

Hot Bird 6 - 13.0E

Noello Silver has started on 11200V FTA SYM:27500 FEC 5/6 SID4728 VPID378 APID376 (Network Teleport Italia)

People has replaced Piemonte Sat on 11200V FTA SYM:27500 FEC 5/6 SID4731 VPID400 APID401 I

W3 - 7.0E

Isik TV has left 11645H SID652 VPID2100 APID2200 Turkish

Thor 3 - 0.8W

Canal Digital Nordic Rikstoto Direkte is now encrypted in Con*x 12399H SYM:27800 FEC 3/4 SID1511 VPID517 APID688 Norwegian

Canal Digital Nordic TV 2 Norge is now encrypted in Con*x 12399H SYM:27800 FEC 3/4 SID1508 VPID514 APID668 Norwegian,669

Canal Digital Nordic TV Norge is now encrypted in Con*x 12399H SYM:27800 FEC 3/4 SID1509 VPID515 APID672 Norwegian

Telstar 12 - 15.0W

The Extreme Sports Channel UK tests have left 11150H

Hispasat 1C - 30.0W

Equiniela is now encrypted on 11731H SYM:28120 FEC 5/6 SID12 VPID1201 APID1202 Sp/1203 original (Retevisi?n)

Millenium TV has replaced BCP TV on 11811H Nagravis*on SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID835 VPID5248 APID5249 P (TV Cabo)


Lithuanian TV2 has replaced Lithuanian TV1 on 5.0E 11843H/27500
EST has appeared on 13.0E 11408V/27500

STARSAT has appeared on 13.0E 11200V/27500

NOELLO SILVER has appeared on 13.0E 11200V/27500

BT5 has replaced BT TES36 UKI 408 on 10.0E 11078V/5632

TVN METEO has appeared on 13.0E 11408V/27500

DENGE MEZOPOTAMIA has replaced DENGE Mesopotamia on 13.0E 12476H/27500

RTK PRISHTINA has appeared on 16.0E 12633V/4883

TVSH-SAT has appeared on 16.0E 12656V/4883

TELESPORT has appeared on 16.0E 11449H/14000

KANAL PROMO has appeared on 16.0E 11449H/14000

NEWS 24 PROMO has appeared on 16.0E 11449H/14000

KLAN SAT RADIO has appeared on 16.0E 11449H/14000

SHIJAK TV has appeared on 16.0E 11449H/14000

KLAN SAT has appeared on 16.0E 11449H/14000

SOLO TEESIDE has replaced BT5 on 16.0E 11142H/5632

13.333 7/8 384K has replaced VERONA on 16.0E 11167H/5632

Kuban-RTV has replaced Krasnodar-1 on 60.0E 11490V/5788

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