transpondernieuws februari 2014


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10 feb 2001

astra 28 oost:

astra 2E is nu op zijn plek

vanaf 1 februari zal de satelliet langzaam in gebruik worden genomen:

Luxembourg, January 31st, 2014 – SES S.A. (NYSE Euronext Paris and Luxembourg Stock Exchange: SESG) announces that the ASTRA 2E satellite enters into commercial service in the orbital arc of 28.2/28.5 degrees East on February 1, 2014.

ASTRA 2E has now been deployed at its final destination in the orbital arc of 28.2/28.5 degrees East, where it is co-positioned with ASTRA 2A, ASTRA 2F and ASTRA 1N. Over the coming weeks, BSkyB, Channel4, ITV and BBC programming in this arc will be transitioned to the new satellite with its powerful footprint over the British Isles. - See more at:

eutelsat 5 west:

11592 Horizontaal 3/5 30000 dvbs-2:

nieuwe transponder , er wordt nog niks in gelezen

astra 1G:

11758 h 3/4 27500:

che-pe_info fta


astra 23,5:

12129 v 2/3 27500 dvbs-2:



1815 h 5/6 27500:

fashion one fta (ipv fashion tv)

10853 h 2/3 29900:

fashion HD fta

fashion_SD fta


astra 28 oost:

Pakistani music channel TV 99 begint test

Updates 03/02/14


10.964 H, 22.000, 5/6.

'5*+1' has now been relabelled as "7716", this will be used for 'Channel 5+24' (info thanks to Digi Man & BrianWescombe).


11.222 H, 27.500, 2/3.

"52085" (For TV99)....Now testing with video & audio (info thanks to Digi Man).


astra 28 oost:


The migration of channels to the new Astra 2E European beam began last night at 2am. The first to be switched were those on the near-end-of-life 2A satellite. Reports across Europe indicate much improved reception in Spain, The Canaries and Italy. The losers appear to be eastern Europe, Romania, SE Germany, Cyprus, northern Finland and the eastern Mediterranean. An unexpected bonus is that the default transponder 11778, which all Sky boxes measure when a "signal test" is carried out, is much stronger in Spain.

A list of channels moved last night:

MTV Live HD, Lifetime HD, Sky Sports 2/1/3/4 in Pubs

Sky Movies Box Office, Disney XD UK HD, Animal Planet Europe HD

ITV 2/3/4 HD

Sky Movies Action & Adventure, Sky Movies Comedy, Sky Movies Sci-Fi & Horror, Sky Select UK, Sky Disney, Sky Movies Family, Sky Movies Premiere/Sky Anytime, Sky Movies Premiere

Sky Movies Crime & Thriller, Sky Movies Drama & Romance, Sky Movies 007, British Eurosport HD

Fox UK HD, Sky Arts 2 HD, British Eurosport 2 HD

Sky Atlantic HD UK +1, Sky Movies Family HD, Sky Movies Premiere HD, Sky Movies Crime & Thriller HD

Sky Movies Select HD, Universal Channel UK, Sky On Demand HD 3

Dave UK HD, Alibi HD, E! UK HD, Sky 3DTV, Sky Arts 1 HD, Sky News HD


astra 23,5 oost:

afgelopen nacht zijn de zenders jim jam ,zap/zappelin en eurosport sd van transponder veranderd.

afgelopen nacht om 04.00 was nog niet alles oke .

b.v. jim jam met slecht geluid op de nieuwe plek e.d.

tevens is de fec veranderd van 3/4 naar 5/6 bij de regio transponder

bij sommige ontvangers moet men de transponder even opnieuw inlezen om weer beeld te krijgen


astra 28 oost:

de bbc zender gaan naar de 2E op 6 februari a.s.

The BBC’s services to Sky and Freesat homes are carried on six transponders on satellites operated by SES Astra located at 28.2°East.

In February 2012, one of these satellites (Astra 2D) was retired and BBC services moved to a new temporary home on Astra 1N. Astra 1N is shortly to be moved to its permanent position at 19°East, so the affected BBC services will be transferring to a new permanent home on Astra 2E (28.2°East).

This will take place in the early hours of Thursday 6th February 2014. Care has been taken to ensure the minimum of impact to UK viewers both during and after the change, such that no viewer actions should be required.

A small number of channels are unaffected by the change. These are on the multiplex “DSAT 8” which is carried on Astra 2F (also at 28.2°East). These are BBC ONE Scotland HD, BBC ONE Wales HD, BBC FOUR HD, BBC NEWS HD, CBeebies HD.

Generally the new transponder will improve reception in the South East of England, the north eastern coast of East Anglia, the North East of Scotland and the Shetland Isles.

The effect on coverage within Europe: Northern France and Belgium may see an improvement, outside of this area there may be a slight reduction in coverage with the need for a larger receive antenna.

astra 28 oost:

Update 04/02/14

10.964 H, 22.000, 5/6.

"7716" has now been relabelled as 'Channel 5+24'.

Laatst bewerkt door een moderator:

Channels on 28e 2E:

11720 H 29500 3/4 DVB-S2 QPSK - 6 programs

11739 V 27500 2/3 DVB-S QPSK - no programs

11758 H 29500 3/4 DVB-S2 QPSK - 5 pr.

11798 H 29500 3/4 DVB-S2 QPSK- 6 pr.

11836 H 27500 3/4 DVB-S2 QPSK- 13 pr.

11856 V 29500 3/4 DVB-S2 QPSK- 4 pr.

11914 H 27500 2/3 DVB-S QPSK - 10 pr.

11934 V 27500 2/3 DVB-S QPSK - 4 pr.

12012 V 29500 3/4 DVB-S2 QPSK- 4 pr.

12382 H 29500 3/4 DVB-S2 QPSK - 4 pr.

12460 H 29500 3/4 DVB-S2 QPSK - 5 pr.



11510 h 30000:

turksat 4A launch HD

lancering op 10 februari

intelsat 12 op 45 oost:

11493 v 2/3 4166 dvbs-2:

nieuwe transponder, er wordt nog niks ingelezen

azerspace-1 op 46 oost:

11014 v 5/6 13333:

ukrkosmos pakket fta


eutelsat 8 west:

12627 v 1/2 2222:

Marqueur fta


astra 28 oost:

volgende transponders zijn van astra 1N naar astra 2A overgegaan afgelopen nacht:













Those were on 2B and then 1N. So they haven't migrated them "back" to 2A. Obviously 1N release is priority.

So looks like they are migrating all channels to their permanent homes and 2A is the stand-in for 2G.


op dit moment zijn alle bbc transponders omgezet naar de astra 2E spotbeam

hier in nijega friesland is de 2E spotbeam even sterk als de de oude astra 1N beam

bv 10788 v was op de 1N signaal 89/kwaliteit 96 en nu via de 2E spotbeam signal 89 / kwaliteit 96.

de 2F spotbeam is een beetje sterker dan de 2E spotbeam

2E signaal 89/kwaliteit 96

2F signaal 89/kwaliteit 97

maakt dus eigelijk niks uit

ga nu op bed , morgen de volledige lijst met transponders die zijn overgezet

12266 h 27500:

nieuwe transponder voor skynews arabia fta

+ diverse gecodeerde sports active zenders


astra 4A op 4,8 oost:

12399 v 3/4 27500:

OE fta

36 oost:

112221 h 3/4 27500:

TV 11 fta

deze entertainment zender vervangt per 7 februari de nieuwszender maestro 24



Updates 07/02/14


"21020" has been relabelled as 'ITV HD'.

'ITV HD' (Meridian South East) has now changed transponders, moving from 10.936 V, 23.000, 2/3 to 11.097 V, 23.000, 2/3 (info thanks to jimbo).


"21030" has been relabelled as 'ITV HD'.

'ITV HD' (Central West) has now changed transponders, moving from 10.936 V, 23.000, 2/3 to 11.097 V, 23.000, 2/3 (info thanks to jimbo).


10.773 H, 22.000, 5/6.

"6390" has been relabelled as 'BBC RB1' (info thanks to Lozenge & Digi Man).


11.307 H, 27.500, 2/3.

'Play TV 2' is currently off air and showing colour bars & tone, not sure at this stage if the channel has ceased broadcasting or not (info thanks to Digi Man & obrienmichael05).


11.344 H, 27.500, 2/3.

'Hidayat TV' is currently off air and showing a message saying, they're having technical problems & programmes will resume shortly. Not sure at this stage if they've ceased broadcasting or whether this is temporary (info thanks to Digi Man).


12.633 H, 22.000, 2/3.

'Bangla TV' (back on air)....Now with audio & EPG data (info thanks to Digi Man).


astra 28 oost:

volgende week 11 februari gaat ITV over naar de 2E en ook channel 4.

As part of ITV's plan to move all existing versions of ITV HD regions together, ITV HD versions for the Central (West) and Meridian (SE) regions have moved from Astra 1N to Astra 2F, frequency 11097 V.

Next week, all remaining ITV standard definition services on Astra 1N will be migrated to Astra 2E. The move is expected to occur during the early hours of Tuesday morning (11th), with a brief break in service expected when the channels switch satellites. Sky and Freesat viewers within the British Isles do not need to take any action.

At this point, viewers in Europe who lost BBC channels on the 6th February will also lose access to ITV. Channel 4 is also having its free-to-air services move across to Astra 2E next week.

Astra 1N, which was put in service at 28.2 degrees East to maintain satellite services for the UK and Ireland, following the retirement of the Astra 2D UK spotbeam satellite, will move to its originally intended position at 19.2 degrees East to cover continental Europe. The move is expected to start immediately after the last services have migrated to Astra 2E next week.

Unfortunately, most ITV regions are now simply labelled "ITV"

aan de hand van de sid is te zien welke itv zender het is.

een handige hulp zijn de tabellen op de volgende link:


amos op 4 oost:

15578 h 3/4 27500:

kopie van 10722 h

astra 3D op 3,1 oost:

11487 h 3/4 1480:

fusan al araq

astra 19,2 oost:

10862 h 22000:

gedurende de olympische winterspelen is de zender TVP INFO gecodeerd.

net zo als het was met de zomer spelen in london

amos op 4 oost:

15578 h 3/4 27500:

kopie van 10722 h

astra 3D op 3,1 oost:

11487 h 3/4 1480:

fusan al araq

astra 19,2 oost:

10862 h 22000:

gedurende de olympische winterspelen is de zender TVP INFO gecodeerd.

net zo als het was met de zomer spelen in london

astra 3D op 3,1 oost moet natuurlijk eutelsat 3D zijn

amos op 4 oost:

15578 h 3/4 27500:

kopie van 10722 h

astra 3D op 3,1 oost:

11487 h 3/4 1480:

fusan al araq

astra 19,2 oost:

10862 h 22000:

gedurende de olympische winterspelen is de zender TVP INFO gecodeerd.

net zo als het was met de zomer spelen in london

nog een tikfout.

de amos transponder moet zijn 11578 h


de ITV en channel 4 transponders zijn overgegaan van astra 1N naar de astra 2E spotbeam


omstreeks 03.30

10714 h (channel 4)

10729 v (channel 4)

omstreeks 03.40

10758 v (ITV)

10832 h (ITV)

omstreeks 03.45

10891 h (ITV)

10906 v (ITV)

op al de genoemde transponders hier in nijega (bij drachten) een sterk signaal met 120 cm schotel.

ten opzichte van de astra 1N zijn de transponders nu op de astra 2E even sterk of zelfs iets sterker.

signaal 89% en kwaliteit 96%

alleen de astra 2F is nog iets sterker signaal 89% en kwaliteit 97%


eutelsat 33 oost:

fox Ist merkez gebruikt nu transponder 11105 h 5/6 3200

eutelsat 10A op 10 oost:

bfbs transponder 11222 v gebruikt nu 5/6 30000 dvbs-2

azerspace-1 op 46 oost:

butov tv nu via 11071 h 5/6 2200 ipv 11061 h


11662 v 27500 dvbs-2:

RD channel fta

HD channel fta



11569 h 3/4 8680:

4 x test fta

11578 h weer gestopt

astra 28 oost:

10862 h 2/3 nu met 23000 en dvbs-2


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