Ik heb ondertussen eens vieuwsonic per mail gecontacteerd en hun de vraag gesteld
Ik hoop dat ze zo vriendelijk zijn te antwoorden
----- Added 4/2/2009 at 09:45:20 -----
Maar ik ben op het net aan het zoeken geweest , en ze gebruiken de IR transeivers van , jawel , phillips dus zou je het eens met de codes voor de phil moeten proberen
----- Added 4/2/2009 at 09:51:26 -----
Dit is wat ik gevonden heb
Viewsonic codes are the same as Phillips TV I was going to return the TV I took my Motorola remote to Costco to test another brand for my remote
The clerk said he could turn off a Phillips TV with the viewsonic remote He thought it was a Phillips tuner inside
I got my code book out for the Motorola cable box remote and viola!!! the first code I tried worked In fact we tried all the 4 listed Phillips codes and they ALL worked
Let me tell you, I spent a lot of time searching prior to this I called Viewsonic support, and the were NO help, and were not interested The codes are 0054 or 1454 or 0690 or 1154 all 4 codes work for my remote
Let me know if this works for you
----- Added 4/2/2009 at 06:03:34 -----
En hier het antwoord van Viewsonic support
Yes you can use a universal remote control on the Viewsonic TV. Since Viewsonic does not make the remote control, we do not have the codes. There should a code book or code search for the universal remote control.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to assist you and supporting ViewSonic.
ViewSonic Customer Support
(800) 688-6688 (USA)
(866) 463-4775(Canada)