country music channel fta


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Lid sinds
10 feb 2001

eindelijk weer country music tv via satelliet in europa en ook nog fta


'Keep It Country TV', the UK's first 24/7 country music channel on Sky and FreeSat which launches on 24th January. With many of your favourite shows plus lots of brand new ones from all around the world.

"We are pleased to announce the launch of Europe's

first 24 hour Country music channel , which starts broadcasting Sunday 24th January 2016 .

We would like to thank all who have tuned into our shows over the past 5 years which has made this moment possible . The support we have had from Viewers, Artists, Agencies and Venues over this time has been truly fantastic .

Please spread the word that Country is back on its own dedicated channel Sky 261 & Freesat 402 .

With your help we intend to make this into the most watched Country channel across Europe

Thanks Again . Phil Mack"





waarschijnlijk via 11224 h 2/3 27500 2G europabeam

Bedankt, zal ik zeker opzoeken en bekijken. ??? gr. George


men schrijft op de website:

Details will be posted on here from 15th january 2016

dus nog even wachten voor de juiste gegevens


Getting ready for the launch of '' Keep It Country TV ''

All shows , Info & full details will be posted for all our Facebook friends and Supporters on Thursday 21st January .

First show will be Broadcast 1pm on Monday 25th January and a press statement will be released Friday 22nd January

Sky TV Channels 191 & 261 also on Freesat TV 400 & 402 .


'' Keep It Country TV ''

First broadcast 1pm Monday 25th January

Schedule of shows and times will be posted on FB and at our website on Saturday at Midday .

'' Keep It Country TV '' has now completed the takeover of Sky 261 and over the coming month this will become Europes new Country Channel

We are also being allocated a new Channel on Freesat TV and we should have the Channel number within the next 3 weeks , we apologise to Freesat viewers who will possibly miss '' Keep It Country TV '' for a short period till our Channel number comes through

Welcome to '' Keep It Country TV ''

We have some great shows lined up over the coming months , many new shows will be premiered throughout February , Here is the opening raft of shows

Show schedule for '' Keep It Country TV '' Monday 25th January

Monday 25th Jan

1.00pm) Keltic Country Nashville

2.00pm) Phil Mack Country Show

3.00pm) Bluegrass Ridge ( USA )

3.30pm) Reflections ( USA )

4.00pm) Keltic Country TV

5.00pm) Explorers guide ( Contacted on Channel till mid Feb)

5,30pm) American Country Countdown ( Chart show )

6.30pm) Country Jamboree ( Malta )

7.30pm) Caravan finder ( Contacted on Channel till mid Feb)

8.00pm) Caravan/motorhome ( Contacted on Channel till mid Feb)

9.00pm) Phil Mack Country Show

10.00pm) Keltic Country TV

11.00pm) Hot Disc Top Twenty

12.00am) Bluegrass Ridge ( USA )

12.30am) Reflections (USA )

1.00am) Country on Demand ( Request Show )

2.00am) Phil Mack Country Show

3.00am) Keltic Country TV

4.00am) Smith & Rogers Country

5.00am) American Country Countdown ( Chart show )

Is het al zeker wat de transpondergegevens zijn?

Sky TV Channels 191 & 261 also on Freesat TV 400 & 402 zegt mij niet zoveel.


hou 53598 (11597 v 5/6 22000) ook in de gaten naast de zender showcase op de 11244 h èèn van deze 2 wordt de nieuwe country zender

unter der kennung "53598" auf 11.597 v 22.000 fec 5/6 sendet nun "Keep It Country TV"



From Monday 1pm and for the first 3 weeks , Country Music & Chat for over 17 hours a day . Then from 1st March we go 24 hours a day 7 days a week

The EPG on Showcase shows as from Monday 14:00 hrs (1 pm UK) all kinds of country music programs


gestart op 11225 h 27500 nog onder de naam showcase

eerst 17 uur per dag vanaf half februari/begin maart 24/7

er lopen nog contracten van bv teleshopping en carvan channel e.d die dan aflopen zodat men dan 24/7 kan

Op Showcase wordt Keep it Country uitgezonden met de zendernaam Showcase.

Op mijn GigaBlue was van een eerdere scan beeld op 53598. Bij het kiezen van deze zender veranderde de zendernaam in Keep it Country +1. De programmering klopt.

Na een scan op mijn DB500HD ( 11597 V 22000 5/6 ) werd de zender Showcast +1 gevonden. Deze is hetzelfde als Keep it Country +1.

De zendernaam bleef Showcase +1.

Dit zal tzt wel goed komen.


nog wat info:

over the coming weeks watch out for some brilliant new shows from Australia , The USA and Ireland , two shows to watch out for in the next three weeks are The Nathan Carter ( Wagon Wheel Show ) and from the USA , Joni Harms and her show '' Lets Put The Western Back Into Country '' I would ,at this stage, like to thank EVERY show currently on the channel , and all the viewers who are tuning in and are spreading the word . We are pleased to say that we will be making a MAJOR announcement about expansion of this channel within the next month

Once we have honoured the contracts with the NON Country shows that are on Sky 261 , they will be replaced with Country shows , as will be the case ith the Teleshopping when we go 24 hours .

Ik heb de zenders Showcase en Showcase +1 juist gevonden.

Ik ben benieuwd naar de kwaliteit van de muziek.

Ik zie juist een zanger over een zonnige boulevard lopen, met het strand op de achtergrond...  :confused:

Dat geeft enigszins tegenstrijdige gevoelens, omdat het hier vriest, en er een pakje sneeuw ligt...

Misschien kijk ik op het verkeerde tijdstip, maar er was zoeven 10 minuten reclame, en toen ben ik maar iets anders gaan doen... gr. George


Hosting Fun


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