Update, zie eerste bericht
- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- fix/corections more of screens
- dir browser: added path autocutting in title
- DOWNLOAD MENU: changed results layout after files download
- fix line hight auto settings in Channel selection
- fix ECM PID displaying (deb version)
- WEATHER: removed option "Find a city" (in extensions, in menu), added option "Find a city" activated immediately press OK button
- added screen definitions: change root password, filebrowser generic, mediacenter, mediadatabase, PIP setup, Subtitle quick config
- EXTRA INFOBAR: second picon type additional options: "only weather", "sat and weather", "provider and weather", "sat, provider and weather", shows current temperature and icon according to the setting in chapter WEATHER(city, provider)
- DOWNLOAD MENU: added piconWeather white, piconWeather black
- fix "Find a city" Yahoo type searching
- fix infobar type: simple
- TP INFO: extended support of HEVC codec
- ANIMATION: added options: enable animations, infobar - picon, second picon, ECM line, TPinfo and type, menu - icons (not icon type), channel selection - picon, prov, sat (not picon in list of channels - services list) (available-autodetection on HW and images which supports single object animation) press OK in the setup displaying animation preview again
- added extra screen 57,59
- added Multistream (MS) detection in TP info - appears only if it is in the chapter: EXTRA INFOBAR enabled option: Show Satellite position in Tp info
- added channel selection type: PIG + PIP 3, G17 events 4
- DOWNLOAD MENU: updated satellites table
- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- fix/corections more of screens
- restore cfg: changed to Dir browser with option to choose any .conf file to restore cfg
- fix screen History
- changed skin of all setup screens
- DOWNLOAD MENU: new skin and the new method of download - you can select items to download and selected items are downloaded all at once,
except items with mark *** Select *** this one are downloaded immediately after selecting
- HDD: added option to enable displaying temperature, size, and free space to the HDD in emc and movieplayer infobar
- fix renderers using font size
- FHDG SETTING: added current path displaying in directory browser
- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- fix/corections more of screens
- WEATHER: added altenative checking of the website - provider MSN
- WEATHER: fix main code
- fix screens of the plugin Partnerbox
- added screen definitions for more plugins: nameZAP, Media Center audio a video player
- fix default values
- fix position of special info: Info ECM by Duriho
- fix devices label (USB,HDD)
- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- fix/corections more of screens
- fix mgcamd, gcam detection
- fix setup of FHDG17
- acceleration menu items switching in menu types with icons and pictures
- DOWNLOAD MENU: bigger update of menu icons, menu icons big
- added alternative method to searching of picons (if missing search 1_0_1..., 1_0_16..., 1_0_19...)
- OTHERS: added option - Service scan long list
- LISTBOX FONT SIZE: added auto settings of line hight if font size was changed
- WEATHER: changed "Country" to "Location"
- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- fix/corections more of screens
- fix actual cfg saving
updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- fix/corections more of screens
- removed displaying Vpid, Apid if bitrate is disabled
- fix default values of FHDG
- WEATHER: added option - Display nigttime icons
- added alternative method to searching of picons
- fix radio screensaver (deb version only)
- added extra screen 89
- added detection of Gcam (after restore icons type will be set to default type 1, so after update and autorestore you must download icons and previews and then set/select your prefered icons type)
- DOWNLOAD MENU: updated extrascreens graphics, icon sets and previews, piconCam
- added new chapter LISTBOX FONT SIZE(deb version only)
- LISTBOX FONT SIZE: added - Bigger, Big, Medium, Small, Smaller
- WEATHER: added option - Animation speed (ms)
- ENHANCED WEATHER: added option - Animation speed (ms)
- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- fix/corections more of screens
- Setup of FHDG17: removed numbering of chapters
- fix all Extra Screens: displaying 16APSK, 32APSK modulation
- WEATHER: added option - Animated Weather Icons
- ENHANCED WEATHER: added option - Animated Weather Icons
- DOWNLOAD MENU: added option - Animated Weather Icons
- added extra screen 43, 44, 45
- DOWNLOAD MENU: updated extrascreens graphics, icon sets and previews
- SETTINGS OF FHDG: changed layout, removed function of blue and yellow button, splitted function of green and OK button, button OK aktivates function of some items, press green button to save cfg only
- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- fix/corections more of screens
- fix oscam ymod version detection
- added detection of modulation 16APSK, 32APSK (DVB-S/S2 only)
- EPG SELECTION: fix Extendend description font size
- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- fix signal bar (all extra screens where is used)
- added alternative method to detect IPTV stream
- WEATHER: added support of SSL certificates
- fix/corections more of screens
- OTHER: removed - Volume type, encoding-user17.conf (deb version only)
- added new chapter: VOLUME
- VOLUME: added - Volume type, Mute picture transparency
- help updated in download menu
- fix autopatch for channel selection picons (It does not apply in images: DMM OE 2.2/2.5, VTi)
- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- fix/corections more of screens
- fix menu type: List and Icons
- fix support extended version of bitrate plugin
- changed update dialog
- color temperature display range changed (-26 to 34 for each 2 degrees color according to the international scale)
- fix Positioner setup screen (OpenPLi version)
- fix/corections more of screens
- added alternative method to checking of online update
- added autorestart bitrate if is binary bitrate used
- bitrate auto stop limit: added option - None
- fix CAID ECM pids height calculate
- added screen definitions for more plugins: videodb, web browser(deb version only)
- fix detection Oscam if is used any type of ECM in settings of oscam
- added detektion Ultimo 4k, Solo 4k
- added extra screen 43, 44, 45
- icon sets and previews updated in download
- fix/corections more of screens
- edited renderer extra EPG
- added autopatch for BH image
- added screen definitions for more plugins: autopin, netatmo, ChromiumOS
- fix screens with context menu
- download menu: removed download option of picon 50x30 (It does not apply in images: DMM OE 2.2/2.5, VTi)
- added Channel selection type: G17(+several event) 2
- download menu: updated - help
- added autopatch for channel selection picons (It does not apply in images: DMM OE 2.2/2.5, VTi)
- fix/corections more of screens and added screen definitions for more plugins
- updated: pl, sk, cz, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro, hu, nl, et, lt, fr
- added extra screen 48
- extra screen graphics, icon sets and previews, help updated in download
- fix/corections more of screens
- fix volume type: colored gauge
- added Channel selection type: PIG5, PIP5, G17 events 3 (picon channel, provider, sat)
- added screen definitions for plugins: EMC,Pemanent clock, Infobar tuner state, AspectRatioSwitch, OpenWebif, Transcoding, EPG Import, EPG Refresh,
Open Multiboot, Foreca
- fix import some renderers/converters
- removed options to use orig. skin EMC
- added screen definitions for Positioner, Cool TV Guide, EMC
- fix change position of Mute
- fix extra screns 14, 15
- added extra screen 42
- fix Channel selection type with PIP (all types where is used)
- fix some BH images screens
all tests were provided in images and hw: dm900, dm820 dm7080 DMM exp. image(OE2.5 including latest updates), vu+ (duo2, ultimo 4k, solo 4k, solo2, ultimo) with images open pli, open atv, vti, Black Hole (all latest versions)
- FHDG17 is independent skin and can be used simultaneously with HDG16
- can be use with "old" HW but if running image supports Full HD skin only!!! f.e. dm800se, dm7020hd
Short description of the function:
- autodetect architecture of CPU and autoconfigure needed files
- new resolution (150x90), color depth (32bit) and design: picon, piconProv, piconSat, piconCam
- new resolution, color depth (32bit) and design: menuIcons, weatherIcons and all graphics files like icons, extrascreens graphics etc. are 32bit
- all needed files are downloadable by using download menu
- all dirs are created automatically at selected path but are stored in dir "hdg17_files" always this mean f.e. path to picons is /media/usb/ then real path will be
- some options from HDG16 are unused and some new options are added
- all the necessary files for fhdg17 are online at the primary and secondary server,
All the files other than the Help pictures (which is may be wrong visible - so no
need to inform about it, I will remakes it later) are in full HD resolution
32-bit graphics