Transponder update 02.02.07


Addicted Member
Special Friend
Lid sinds
15 aug 2002

Turksat 2A - 42.0E

D Smart Mosaic has started on 11966H VideoGu*rd SYM:12500 FEC 5/6 SID506 VPID517 APID000

Eutelsat W4 - 36.0E

An MGM International has started testing on 12207R Viacc*ss 2.5 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 (Poverkhnost)

Astra 2A - 28.2E

Sky Vegas & Roulette has left 12246V

Badr 3 - 26.0E

Al Manar TV, Future TV International, NBN and T?l? Liban has left 11785V

Luxe TV has started on 11958H MPEG4 / HD / clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID1 VPID101 APID102 Eng

Badr 4 - 26.0E

Al Mustakillah TV has left 11938V

Luxe TV has started on 12073H clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID310 VPID3010 APID3110 Eng

T?rkmeneli TV has left 12073H

Astra 1F - 19.2E

AssParadise has started on 12246V SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID10124 VPID2799 APID2800 Ger

Nacht der Versuchung has left 12246V

Astra 1KR - 19.2E has left 10832H

Astra 2C - 19.2E

SuperStacja has left 10773H

Hot Bird 2 - 13.0E

Viptv has left 11785H

Gay TV ''has started'' on 11785H clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID5024 VPID2560 APID2561 Ita (TSA)

Hot Bird 6 - 13.0E

Bon ''has started'' on 11585V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID13527 VPID1430 APID1431 (GlobeCast World TV)

The Arya TV promo has left 11117V

Hot Bird 7A - 13.0E

Gay TV has left 11296H moved to Hot Bird 2 - 11785H

Hot Bird 8 - 13.0E

Ceramicanda has changed name to Architecture Construction Materials Channel on 12111V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID707 VPID260 APID261 Ita (Telespazio)

Cool TV (English) has left 12303V moved to Hot Bird 6 - 12558V

MKTV Sat has left 12322H moved to Hot Bird 7A - 11411H

HBO Comedy Polska has started on 12322H Mediagu*rd 2 SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID14810 VPID2160 APID2161 Po (Stellar DBS)

Sky Prima Fila 7 has left 12341V moved to Hot Bird 7A - 12616H

Channel Punjab has left 12380V

Amos 1 - 4.0W

Medicus has left 11133H

HBO Comedy has started on 11413H Pow*rVu SYM:6666 FEC 3/4 SID98 VPID110 APID100 Pol / 102 original audio

HBO Romania and AXN Central Europe has left 11413H

Atlantic Bird 3 - 5.0W

Arte HD has started on 11555V MPEG4 / HD SYM:30000 FEC 7/8 SID20 VPID401 APID402 Fre / 403 Ger

Ajara TV has started on 12615H clear SYM:8789 FEC 5/6 SID14218 VPID228 APID238 Geo

Atlantic Bird 4 - 7.0W

New frequency for Beaty TV on 10796V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID3603 VPID3600 APID3603 Ara

Mix has started on 10911V clear SYM:27500 FEC 3/4 SID2039 VPID34 APID32 Ara

Panorama has left 12360H

Afaq TV has left 12399H

Atlantic Bird 2 - 8.0W

NBN has left 12566V

Atlantic Bird 1 - 12.5W

2M National is back on 12583H clear SYM:2625 FEC 2/3 SID100 VPID100 APID110 Fre / Ara

Hispasat 1D - 30.0W

Cuatro has left 12591H PAL

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