astra 28 oost:
12.670 V SR 23000 FEC 2/3 8PSK DVB-S2
54050 - &TV (in HD clear).
This channel has an "HD" DOG but the content is the same as the normal channel.
Updates 27/05/15
"6600" has now been relabelled as 'QVC'.
'QVC' has now changed transponders, moving from 12.032 H, 27.500, 2/3, DVB-S, QPSK to 11.954 H, 27.500, 2/3, DVB-S, QPSK.
(info thanks to Digi Man).
"6602" has now been relabelled as 'QVC Style'.
'QVC Style' has now changed transponders, moving from 12.032 H, 27.500, 2/3, DVB-S, QPSK to 11.954 H, 27.500, 2/3, DVB-S, QPSK.
(info thanks to Digi Man).
"6603" has now been relabelled as 'QVC Beauty '.
'QVC Beauty' has now changed transponders, moving from 12.032 H, 27.500, 2/3, DVB-S, QPSK to 11.954 H, 27.500, 2/3, DVB-S, QPSK.
(info thanks to Digi Man).
"6601" has now been relabelled as 'QVC Extra '.
'QVC Extra' has now changed transponders, moving from 12.032 H, 27.500, 2/3, DVB-S, QPSK to 11.954 H, 27.500, 2/3, DVB-S, QPSK.
(info thanks to jimbo).
"54210" has now been relabelled as 'Africa Channel'.
'Africa Channel' has now changed transponders, moving from 11.259 V, 27.500, 2/3, DVB-S, QPSK to 12.663 H, 22.000, 5/6, DVB-S, QPSK.
(info thanks to jimbo).
12.610 V, 22.000, 5/6, DVB-S, QPSK.
"50896"....Now showing 'More>Movies+1'.
(info thanks to jimbo).
Updates 28/05/15
"54212" has now been relabelled as 'PTV Prime'.
'PTV Prime' has now changed transponders, moving from 11.222 H, 27.500, 2/3, DVB-S, QPSK to 12.663 H, 22.000, 5/6, DVB-S, QPSK.
"53530" has now been relabelled as 'Thane'.
'Thane' has now changed transponders, moving from 11.261 H, 27.500, 2/3, DVB-S, QPSK to 11.390 V, 27.500, 2/3, DVB-S, QPSK.
Updates 28/05/15
11.259 V, 27.500, 2/3, DVB-S, QPSK.
"52119"....Now showing 'Islam Channel', with EPG data for 'Islam Channel Urdu'?
(info thanks to Digi Man & jimbo).
11.261 H, 27.500, 2/3, DVB-S, QPSK.
"52169"....Showing Playboy TV Chat'.
(info thanks to obrienmichael05).
11.344 H, 27.500, 2/3, DVB-S, QPSK.
"53205"....Showing CBS promo.
(info thanks to Digi Man).
"50896" has now been relabelled as 'M>Movies+1'.
'More>Movies+1' has now changed transponders, moving from 12.633 H, 22.000, 5/6, DVB-S, QPSK to 12.610 V, 22.000, 5/6, DVB-S, QPSK.
(info thanks to Digi Man).